Present: Pastor Megan Preston, Jeff Niedenthal, Willis Chase, Dan Cannon, Dave Martin, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden.
Dan Cannon called meeting to order at 7:10pm Devotions: Chris Slinden – Read a devotion about transitioning from parenting out of fear to fearless parenting. Reports Secretary’s: - No Report, Janelle was Absent. No minutes were presented, so no approval on minutes for December. Treasurer’s: - Received a total of $30,800 in prepaid 2022 pledges. These will show up as January 2022 revenue. - Miscellaneous revenue in December - $871.28 reimbursement from First Lutheran Cemetery Association for water used for new trees over the summer - $50.68 from Post Office for unused bulk mail permit - Paid $357.02 to Litchfield Builder Center for Parsonage repairs - Paid $520 to Jory Behrends for last winter’s snow plowing at Parsonage (late bill submittal) - Re-issued a lost (April) paycheck to Pastor Megan - Awaiting reimbursement from ACGC Ministries for Project Backpacks costs ($1185). Congregation monetary donations to the backpack program are sent to ACGC Ministries to support the overall program. In turn, ACGC Ministries reimburses us fully for the food cost. - We had budgeted $16,500 in Synod benevolence contributions. We sent in $14,358: $1000/month plus proceeds from the Mission Auction ($2,358) - Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Chris Slinden, seconded by Jake Boonstra. Motion carried! - Dave Martin motion to submit a onetime payment to Financial Secretary and Choir Director for their annualized 4% raise (VS receiving raise per paycheck basis). Motion was seconded by Willis Chase, following Discussion motion was carried by 5 yes and 1 no. Pastor’s Report: - Pastor Megan enjoyed some much-needed time off. - Very busy fielding calls dealing with sickness and deaths. - Pastor Megan will be absent January 25-31st. Committee Reports Christian Education and Youth: - Janelle was absent no report. - Jeff tells council that Adult Education is going well. Organizations and Activities: - Coffee and Fellowship is going well. Lots of volunteers on the signup sheet. - Wednesday Lent meals will be discussed in New Business. Finance and Stewardship: - SALT program – discussions on starting date. Deciding the target goal from where we are to where we want to be. Mission and Outreach: - Nothing to report this month. Personnel: - Motion by Jeff Niedenthal and second by Dan Cannon to approve Financial Secretary’s Job Description. Motion was carried. - Motion by Dave Martin and seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to approve Choir Director’s Job Description. Motion was carried. - Custodial Staff and Parish Secretary are being reviewed. Worship, Music, & Arts: - Christmas decorations were removed, and building new Christmas tree stands - Memorial organization interested in old eternal flame or will look to donate it to another church. - Coop worship services will end on January 31, 2022 - Have received Purple Paraments. Properties: - New roof vents are helping the ice dam issues at Parsonage. - Snow removal. Received 5 bids, narrowed to 2 bids. Jory Behrend’s bid was $45/hr and Dan Cannon’s bid was $65 per time (estimated to take 1.5 hours per time). Motion was made by Dave Martin and seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to accept Dan Cannon’s snow removal bid. Motion carried. Other Committee’s: N/A Old Business Membership records: - Will be working on the shortly. Coop Ministries: - Meeting in January to discuss the future. Last coop worship service will be held January 31st, 2022. New Business Evangelism: - Form a committee Annual Meeting: - Moved to February 6th. Will be hosting a potluck lunch in conjunction with annual meeting - Audit committee will have report on January 15th, 2022. Emergency Plan: - Dave Martin provided schematics of the Church. Schematics supplied with all exits, fire extinguishers, exit signs, defibrillator locations, and fire alarm activators. Nominating Committee: - Outgoing council members need to notify Nomination Committee of future plans. Lenten Services: - Council will host 1st Wednesday - Worship Committee discussed ways to add members to congregation. Worship committee will use Wednesday Lent services to have an open discussion for congregants to offer insight on current and future of Trinity Lutheran Church. - Easter Breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. followed by 10:00 a.m. service. Executive Session Motion by Jeff Niedenthal and seconded by Jake Boonstra to adjourned meeting at 8:35 p.m. motion carried. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, acting Secretary Next meeting February 10th, 2022. May Council Assistant: Dan Cannon **Minutes approved on February 10, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, David Martin, Jeff Niedenthal, Chris Slinden, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston.
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm A motion to approve the agenda was made by Willis and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the November 11th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and after an amendment to change the language that the parsonage eaves will use spinning vents and not spray foam insulation, a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Motion to approve by Chris and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Budget discussion and approval will be moved to New Business Pastor’s: Pastor Megan has been busy with several funerals and visiting members with major health issues. Also, a surprise wedding and lots of family situations. Will carry over to 2022 the continuing education day previously scheduled. The co-op ministry, with the Litchfield and other churches, Trinity will no longer participate after we fulfill our January commitment. The other churches will continue to broadcast. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School-Continuing with 4-12 year olds meeting together as a group. Going well! Janelle and Gwen are leaders. ii. Christmas Program- Set for Sunday, December 12th during worship service. Theme is Happy Birthday Jesus! iii. Living Nativity- Trinity Sunday school youth will join with The First Baptist Church youth and Victory Fellowship Youth to form a bell choir to sing on both nights of the Nativity. Other youth will also have parts in the presentation of the Nativity. Very excited to work with the other churches to bring the story of Jesus’ birth to life. iv. Adult Education-Jeff continues to lead on Sunday mornings at 9:00am Organizations and Activities (Fellowship): i. Coffee and Fellowship-Sunday mornings at 9:00am before church. Need volunteers to serve! ii. Pie on November 21st- served before church, no thanksgiving eve service this year. iii. Wednesday Advent Meals-scheduled for 3 dates. iv. Potluck following Annual Meeting-tentatively scheduled Finance and Stewardship- i. SALT project- 3 mailings will be sent to members with the first starting in early January. Missions and Outreach- planning for food shelf month in March Personnel: i. Job Descriptions-updated personnel job descriptions to be reviewed and discussed at the January council meeting. A 4% compensation increase for staff recommended by Dave and seconded by Jeff. Worship, Music, Arts- December communion dates 12/5, 12/19, 12/24. January communion dates 1/9 (Epiphany), and 1/16. Christmas Eve worship (12/24 Friday at 4 pm) Pastor will be gone first Sunday in January 2nd- no communion Looking ahead, Ash Wednesday is 3/2 and Easter is 4/17. Properties: i. Parsonage walk-through- complete ii. Snow removal-discussion on budget amount. Old Business: Membership Records- on-going to start in February Outdoor sign-on-going, electrical done, project done in next 60 days. True Compass Counseling-contract complete, Kristle has key. New Business: Co-op Ministry-Trinity will not participate after our commitment is finished the end of January. Evangelism-discussion on how we welcome people at our church. Annual Report- reports due from committees Emergency Plan- storms, fire, active shooting. Discussion on planning and implementation of plan that was put on hold when COVID arrived. Budget-increase of 4% to compensation of employees, add $1500.00 for snow removal to budget. Special council meeting to be held on Sunday, December 12th, 2021 after church service to approve 2022 budget after changes are made as listed. Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:55pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date January 13th, 2022 January Council Assistant: Chris Slinden ***************** Special Church Council Meeting, Sunday, December 12th, 2021 Present: Richard Larson, Janelle Johnson, Dan Cannon, Chris Slinden, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Pastor Megan Preston Richard called the meeting to order at 10:55am Advent soup and sandwich monies to go to the food shelf. Motion by Jeff seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Changes as requested were made to the 2022 budget. After review and discussion, a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Dan. Motion carried. Richard adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am. **Minutes approved on February 10, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl Present: Richard Larson, Pastor Megan Preston, Willis Chase, Dan Cannon, Dave Martin, Chris Slinden.
Richard Larson called meeting to order at 7:00pm Devotions: Willis Chase – Thoughts on being optimistic. Motion to approve Agenda by Willis Chase, seconded by Dan Cannon, Motion carried! Reports Secretary’s: - No Report, Janelle was Absent. - Motion by Willis Chase and Seconded by Dan Cannon to amend October Minutes. Amendment changes coffee money donations to go thru December instead of October, motioned carried. - Motion by Dan Cannon, seconded by Willis Chase to approve Minutes, motion carried. Treasurer’s: - No Report at this time, Jeff was absent, but presented financials. - Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Chris Slinden, seconded by Dan Cannon. Motion carried! Pastor’s Report: - Pastor Megan updated council on Meeker Area Ministries. Meeker Area Ministries is planning on a free will offering event at the Oprah House in Litchfield on Dec 2nd at 7:00p.m. - Participated in Internship Supervisor meetings, lots of Phone ministering to the sick. - Discussion to extend Church Co-op service donation for the months of December and January. Will be moved to New Business. Committee Reports Christian Education and Youth: - Janelle was absent, no report. Organizations and Activities: - Jake was absent, no report. Council members discussed sign up sheets for Sunday morning coffee, and council’s advent dinner on December 1st. Finance and Stewardship: - Jeff was absent. Was reported that materials for SALT program were received, next step is to form a committee. Mission and Outreach: - Mission Auction raised $2,847.00 and will be donated to ___________. Personnel: - Employees have received a current copy of job description for them to review. Waiting for updated information for approval or changes. Worship, Music, & Arts: - Eternal Flame candle insulation is complete and working on decommissioning for the old candle. Poinsettia’s have been ordered, same as last year, red, white, and ice punch – orders due 11/27. A thank you to Barb Larson for decorating planters. Purple paraments should be done by Ash Wend. Properties: - Parsonage has ice dam issues, decided best fix would be to remove plywood from eves, and will use spinning vents. After re-shingling of roof, spinning vents were removed and replaced with ridge vent. It has been decided to add in spinning vents to help with venting. Furnace was inspected and was reported good. Need to pickup new kitchen refrigerator for church and remove old one. Currently receiving bids for snow removal. Split rail fence has been fixed by Dave Martin. Other Committee’s: N/A Old Business Membership records: - Nothing new to report Outdoor Sign: - Waiting for sign installation. Will have to disconnect wires and move wire junction box to install sign. When everything is complete will have lighting reconnected. True Compass Counseling: - On 11/4/21 at 10:00 a.m. Dave Martin met with insurance agent in relative to True Compass Counseling. Council still needs to provide building key to True Compass Counseling. New Business Co-op Ministries: - Setting up meeting with liaisons with each church to discuss pro’s and con’s. - In Discussion, it was presented to continue Trinity’s contribution to the co-op service broadcast for December and January. This includes a $50 a month donation. Motion made by Chris Slinden and seconded by Dan Cannon seconded and motion was carried. - Continued talks on the bad quality of our streaming process. Discussion’s will continue on making streaming better. Evangelism: - Discussions on which people to evangelize to and in which way they would best receive the message. Decided to leave on new business to have further in depth talks and communication on this item. Annual Report: - Annual meeting on January 23rd. Will need a report from each committee. Emergency Plan: - Implement a “Comprehensive Plan” in case of emergency. File plan with fire, police, and sheriff departments. - Weather related cancellations during the week will follow the school’s decision on closings and late starts. Sunday activities with be decided on the morning of. Executive Session President Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 8:38 p.m. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, acting Secretary Next meeting December 9th, 2021. December Council Assistant: Jake Boonstra **Minutes approved on December 9, 2021 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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