REGULAR CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING – Aug. 9, 2018 Present: Pastor Megan Preston, Greg Jans, Mardelle Crist, Richard Larson, Gabby Swisher, Jeff Niedenthal, Randa Larsen, Brian Weseman, and Sharon Smith. Greg called the meeting to order at 8:07, following the Mission BBQ. Mardelle’s devotions were about our recent emphasis in worship on texts involving bread. Love can show in the ordinary, most commonplace things in life, as well as in exceptional things. 1 to 1 Challenge: Brian shared that 7 or 8 people he’d talked to attended the Mission BBQ. Greg reached out to a couple people, too. Reports:
Jeff move to approve, seconded by Brian. Motion approved.
New Business - Randa reminded us about the going away event for Pastor Pete Lee, to be held on August 19th at 4:00. Executive Session – no meeting. Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer – Greg adjourned the meeting at 9:09, and we all joined in reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Smith, Secretary Next meeting is September 13, 2018 August Council Assistant: Randa Larsen
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