Present: Willis Chase, Richard Larson, Dan Cannon, Jake Boonstra, Dave Martin, Jeff Niedenthal, Chris Slinden, Pastor Megan Preston, Janelle Johnson
President Richard Larson called the meeting to order at 7:03pm Devotions: Pastor Megan led devotions by having us introduce ourselves, tell about ourselves, what we are looking forward to, and what’s our favorite cake! Motion to approve agenda by Jeff, seconded by Dan. Motion carried Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the January 14th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Dave and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Minutes from the January 24th, 2021 annual meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Dave and seconded by Dan. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: The savings account we have has been closed. Current officers on the bank accounts need to be updated. Richard and Jeff will be added and remain on the account and Greg Jans will be taken off. A motion to approve this was made by Jake and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Prepays were added to the 2021 revenue and we are financially off to a good start. Pastor’s: End of the month we returned to in-person worship. Worship numbers have been ok. I’ve been visiting care facilities to give care to the needed. Green lake Bible camps annual meeting will be held virtually this year. Their loss of revenue this year is over one million dollars. They have also lost some employees. A capital raising campaign is going on now. They are hopeful that this year they will be able to do camp. Trinity pays a significant amount of the cost for our campers. Hopefully we will have quite a few campers who can attend this year. They are also in need of counselors. Preparations are taking place for Lent. We will meet Wednesday nights in-person. Our topic this year will be “Faith and Dying” Project Hope with the ACGC school district backpack program is on going and much needed this year. Becky is in need of a new computer for the office. The high school is looking for help in paying for Farm Safety Books for the students. Something for us to think about. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: committee liaison-Janelle, N/A Organizations and Activities: committee liaison-Jake, would like to form a trap-shooting team from Trinity members and call them the Trinity Triggers. Competition takes place at the range in Grove City during the spring and summer months. Several teams are involved. Finance and Stewardship: committee liaison-Jeff, N/A Missions and Outreach Ministry: committee liaison-Chris, will reach out to Dennis Brown for committee information and guidance. Personnel: committee liaison-Dave, will reach out to Marcia Brown for committee information and guidance. Worship, Music, & Arts: committee liaison-Willis, March communion dates are 3/7 and 3/21 and Palm Sunday 3/28, Maundy Thursday 4/1. All mid-week Lent services are at 6:30pm. Leaving altar guild, readers, ushers similar to last year. We need to take a look at our mission statement and review and promote to all members. Properties: committee liaison-Dan, ordered a condenser fan for the refrigerator in the sacristy. Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on-going Painting the Altar- will find someone professional. Outdoor Sign-Dave will get some prices Cemetery Insurance-Jeff will get Trinity’s policy for Dave Tables of 6-Jake will contact Mardelle Crist for guidance New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan- up to date Coffee and Fellowship- discussion on when can we return to this activity on Sunday’s Building use-review guidelines Party to Rival and Parties- ideas and planning stages of what kind of party we can throw when we are totally open to celebrate Technology: Office Secretary Computer Presentation System Executive Session: February 9, 2021 Council Organizational Meeting (via Zoom) Executive Committee Positions: President: Richard Larson Vice President: Dan Cannon Treasurer: Jeff Niedenthal Secretary: Janelle Johnson Committee liaisons: Christian Education and Youth: Janelle Johnson Properties: Dan Cannon Organizations and Activities: Jake Boonstra Finance and Stewardship: Jeff Niedenthal Mission and Outreach: Chris Slinden Personnel: Dave Martin Worship, Music & Arts: Willis Chase Monthly Council Assistant. February: Dan Cannon. August: Jeff Niedenthal March: Chris Slinden September: Richard Larson April: Dan Cannon. October: Jeff Niedenthal May: Dave Martin. November: Willis Chase June: Janelle Johnson December: Jake Boonstra July: Janelle Johnson January 2022: Chris Slinden Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:32 pm and we closed with the Lords Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date: March 11, 2021 March council assistant: Chris Slinden **Minutes approved on March 11, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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