Present: Greg Jans, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Dave Martin, Richard Larson, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm Devotions: Greg spoke on his renewal of faith in human beings after the outpouring of generosity and help they received after the fire at their dairy. Agenda modified to include insurance discussion and tables of 6 in new business. Approved as amended by Sonia and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the December 10th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Sonia. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Full amount has been paid to the Synod. Financially strong end to fiscal 2020. We receive almost half of our yearly revenue from 3 Households. Something to consider for the future. After reviewing the financial statements a motion to approve was made by Richard and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Pastor’s: We made it through 2020! Christmas felt different this year as we were not able to have a full house church service. The meaning however, never changes. Pastor has done a couple of hospice visits this month. Confirmation started again on Wednesday, January 12th. Approximately 10 participants are involved in zoom interviews with people from different work backgrounds explaining their duties and accomplishments and how it relates to faith. Pastor commented on the need to mentor newer council members. In person worship will resume on January 17th, 2021. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Talk to Jenna and Ashley about doing some in person Sunday school this year. Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: N/A Missions and Outreach: N/A Personnel: Reviews to be done this month Worship, Music and Arts: moving forward with monthly duties and commitments. Communion dates are February 7th and 21st as well as February 17th (Ash Wednesday) Properties: Parking lot lights all working and the temporary Trinity sign has good lighting as well. Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on going Painting the Altar- put in bulletin Outdoor Sign- the next council can decide on the new permanent sign. New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan- up to date Annual Meeting- January 24th, with January 31st as the back-up date. Party to rival all parties- discussion on what we can do to celebrate once COVID has passed and we’re able to have in person party!!! Table of 6- looking to plan for groups to get together in June, July, and August. Insurance- discussion on what kind of insurance the 3 cemeteries have and what the coverage actually covers. Is there coverage for stone and monument damage and vandalism coverage in the individual policies and does the church property insurance have any coverage for this. Richard to follow-up. Executive Session: Thank-you to all outgoing council members!!! Greg adjourned the meeting at 7:57pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date: February 11th, 2021 February Council Assistant: **Minutes approved on February 11, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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January 2025
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