Present: Greg Jans, Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston. Greg called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm Devotions: Richard read a piece on “Gratitude” Agenda modified to include front door repair and addressing the noise coming from the refrigerator in the sacristy. Also adding to Old business: Air exchange Approved as amended by Willis and seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the October 8th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: We are still on solid ground financially. We received generous offerings in October as well as prepaid 2021 pledges. We had budgeted $1000.00 for Green Lake and are in a financial position to meet that planned amount. The iPad livestream experiment seems to be working. We initially bought a less expensive tripod, but this month we purchased a much more solid tripod since we will be continuing the Facebook ministry for some time. We spent $180.00 on two large outdoor banners for the church to bridge the gap until we decide on a permanent sign. The paperwork was submitted and our PPP loan was forgiven. The loan was just under $22,000.00. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Worship modifications may be needed. Cooperation with the Litchfield churches is ongoing. Pastor will be off November 13th, 14th, and 15th. Pastor’s student loans have officially been paid off with help from the Gifts of Grace Program. Monies for this can now be put somewhere else in the future. We can decide. Confirmation will continue for one more week and then will be off for Advent. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: We will continue to have bags with activities and Bible study to take home for the Sunday school twice a month in December. About 20 bags have been picked up each time. Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: Grove City fire and rescue have requested their annual donations. We have given $250.00 in the past. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Richard to give $250.00 this year. Motion carried. Missions and Outreach Ministry: Operation Christmas Tree UCAP, Jeff will call to follow-up for this year. Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, and Arts: Dates to remember: Set up for Advent 11/22, 11/25 Thanksgiving eve service (web-based) Advent services on Wednesday will be Facebook live and at 6:30 pm on KLFD. The Holden village service will be followed. Christmas Eve service on 12/24 tentatively set for 4:00pm in person. Subject to change. There was a meeting to discuss the replacement of the green paraments. A pattern was decided on. The cost is $980.00 dollars. A motion was made by Richard and seconded by Jeff to use Thrivent Choice dollars for this expense. Motion carried. Properties: N/A Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on going Painting the altar-put in the newsletter that we are looking for someone to do this task. Outdoor Sign- temporary sign in place Building use Guidelines- updated Air exchange- checking on output New Business: Review COVID -19 Preparedness Plan- updated as needed Refrigerator in Sacristy- will check noise and warranty info Front door repair- repair as needed Annual Meeting-dates will be January 24th for the meeting and January 31st as a back-up date. A motion to approve was made by Richard and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. We need 10% of the congregation for a quorum. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:16pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date: December 10th, 2020 December Council Assistant: Greg Jans (replacing Willis Chase) **Minutes approved on December 10, 2020 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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