Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular church council meeting-August 8th, 2019
Present: Greg Jans, Richard Larson, David Martin, Jeff Niedenthal, Janelle Johnson Greg called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Devotions: Each council person share with the group something you’re thankful for. 1:1 Challenge- Jeff at the fair 2019 Goals 1: Researching local hunger needs-Greg talked to Pat Vlaminck and we decided we feel the local needs are being handled through Atwater. 2: Stream worship services 3: Youth and family Ministry Position-Someone recently contacted Becky about the position. Follow-up this week Reports: Secretary Minutes from the July 11th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Dave and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: After reviewing the report a motion was made by Jeff to approve and seconded by Richard. Motion carried Pastor: Pastor Megan is on maternity leave. She is scheduled to be back for the September council meeting. Special guests: Stephanie Johnson-Emergency Manager Director for Meeker County and Meeker County Sheriff’s Deputy Sam Swisher were here to discuss emergency operations planning for the church. Topics included were: Severe Weather, Fire, Medical, Robbery, Intruder/Shooter and Other possible threats. An Emergency Operations Plan from Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Hutchinson was handed out as a guide for us to follow in creating our own plan. The ACGC school district is planning an actual training for active shooter threat in September and we are welcome to join them. It was decided that we will form a committee to work on this project. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Rally Sunday will be September 8th. The antique car run will be August 10th and we will have youth help serve coffee, juice and treats. The August Bash will be August 9th with Trinity youth having a booth to serve popcorn and nachos. Organizations and Activities: No tables of Eight this year. Time change will start Sunday September 8th, with coffee at 9:30 and worship at 10:00. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission and Outreach: Mission Barbecue will be August 15th. Tentative date for the Mission Auction will be October 27th. Personnel: Pastor Megan’s schedule is as follows: September 2-8 on call, 9-15 part time. Gods work our hands not scheduled for this year. It was discussed to have a brochure and dvd copy made about our church. A motion was made by Richard and Seconded by Janelle to have Pastor work on the content of the brochure and $250.00 to develop the packet. Motion passed. Worship: N/A Properties: Refrigerator needs to be installed in the back of the sanctuary. The gutter covers have been installed on the back of the church. Other Committees: Greg attended the Eco Faith network meeting in Bird Island Old Business: Clean out storage rooms-on going Preparing for active shooter and emergency operations plan-discussed earlier Updating membership-on going Stain glass window repair-on going Tables of eight-not this year Refrigerator-not installed yet New Business: None Executive Session Adjournment: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:59 pm, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is September 12th, 2019 September council assistant: Janelle Johnson ** Minutes approved at September 12, 2019 – Regular Trinity Lutheran Church Council meeting**
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