Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston
CALL TO ORDER: President Richard Larson called meeting to order at 6:32pm DEVOTION: Richard Larson read a devotion about “Jesus is Salvation” APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Chris Slinden & seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve agenda. Motion Carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Kyle Larsen & seconded by Joe Jans to approve September Minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Tabled to Next Month PASTOR: Participated in training through Synod for coaching. Pastor will help create guidelines and parameters to train future coaches. Coaching will be added to Pastor’s job description. Pastor explained “Faithful innovations” to the council. -Motion made by Willis Chase & seconded by Joe Jans to Support Faithful Innovations for Trinity for $1200 for 1 year, coming for Thrivent Choice Dollars. Motion carried. Committee Reports Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School: Going well and good participation. ii. Nelson’s Farm: October 30th, invites were sent out. iii. Youth Coordinator: Thoughts on obtaining Youth Coordinator. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: No Report ii. Movie Night: Approved flyer, preparations are being made Finance and Stewardship: i. SALT Project: No report. ii. Electronic Giving: Discussion on getting congregation in the habit of electronic giving. Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. God’s Work, Our Hands: Washed windows at South Grove. ii. Mission Auction: Preparing for Auction, serving burgers, hotdogs, beans, and chips. Proceeds will go to Synod Mission Support. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Preparing to conduct annual reviews with Trinity personnel. Worship, Music, and Arts: i. Musician Pay: current pay is $50/time, committee asked to move to $75/time. Tabled to November’s agenda ii. Banners: Remove from Agenda. Properties: i. Sanctuary Roof: Waiting on 1 more bid for shingles. ii. Parsonage Chimney: Waiting for bids. iii. Parsonage Siding and Soffit: Evaluating project. iv. Fall Cleanup: Will do fall cleanup around church on November 20th. Endowment Committee: i. Quarterly Report: Move to November’s agenda. OLD BUSINESS Shrubs around new sign: Completed, remove from agenda. Estate Planning Workshop: No report. Santa Days: Planning spaghetti feed. In the process of lining up the truck, and other preparations. Nominating Committee: Alternatives for Treasurer. Approach congregation to find volunteer or outsource treasury position. Christmas Lights in Windmill Park: Move to November’s agenda. New Business Constitutional Updates: Has not been updated since 2017. Form task force to review current constitution and make recommendations to update constitution. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Next Meeting: November 8th, at 6:30pm November Council Assistant: Chris Slinden Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes approved on November 8, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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