Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Jake Boonstra, Dan Cannon, Dave Martin, Chris Slinden.
Richard Larson called meeting to order at 7:00pm Devotions: Dan Cannon After adding the topic of “Rides to Church” to New Business, the agenda was approved by Willis Chase, and second by Jake Boonstra. Motion carried! Reports: Secretary’s: No Report, Janelle was Absent. Treasurer’s: No Report, was a problem with the software. Pastor’s: No Report, Pastor Megan was absent. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Possible late May or June for VBS. Organizations and Activities: Greg Janz will head up Table of 6. No trap shooting due to lack of ammo. Finance and Stewardship: Under Budget. Discussion on a stewardship campaign towards fall Will add to agenda for next month. Mission and Outreach: Food Shelf Month report. Update on clean up at South Grove. Fundraisers on hold until decision on Covid protocols. Personnal: No update at this time. Worship, Music, & Arts: Paraments are Done. Properties: Asking for bids on painting alter. Checking into Dehumidifier for Chapel. Discussion on lights for parking lot. Other Committee’s: N/A Old Business: Membership Records: on-going with Sonia. Outdoor Sign: Can install sign without permit. Discussion on funding Sign. Chris will get a quote on footings for sign. Cemetery Insurance: Transferred Emmanuel Lutheran into Trinity Lutherans Policy. Gave Copy to Irandahl. Will be taken off Agenda. Party to Rival all Parties: Nothing new to Report. Coffee Shop: Lions Club in favor of coffee shop. Discussion on location. Looking for concrete answer before moving into detailed planning stage. Worship Streaming: Changes seem to be working and have had successful streaming. Plan to run hard line to balcony for internet. Had to purchase Booster for internet. Will remove from Old Business! New Business: Review Covid-19 preparedness plan: updated Coffee Fellowship: Motion made to return, beginning for June. Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, second by Jake Boonstra, motion carried. Rides to Church: Discussion on whether there was a need to get members rides to church. After Discussion was decided to take it off of New Business. Living Nativity with First Baptist: Noted that both Church’s would work together for living Nativity at Christmas time. Will move discussion to next month’s meeting. Executive Session: President Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 8:24 p.m. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, acting Secretary Next meeting May 13th, 2021. May Council Assistant : Dave Martin. *Minutes approved at Regular Council Meeting on May 13, 2021* rjfl
Present: Willis Chase, Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Jake Boonstra, Dan Cannon, Chris Slinden, Dave Martin, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:02pm Devotions: Chris Slinden read a piece called “Finish the Race” for devotions After adding the topic of future activity to New Business, the agenda was approved as presented by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the February 11th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Dan. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: On target with very few expenses in February. Cumulative revenues far exceed cumulative expenses year to date. A motion to approve was made by Dan and seconded by Jake. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Season of Lent is in full mode. Several visits have been made. Some people have not been seen for a year. Lenten services are on-going. Easter services will be in person as well as digital. Pastor will be on vacation in March and will also have vacation time right after Easter. Much needed time to decompress. Pulpit supply is low. The Synod sees a shortage of pastor’s as a current and future issue. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Planning for Vacation Bible school. Possible day long event. Organizations and Activities: Talked to Jim Curry about creating a Trinity trap shooting team in Grove City. Will call Greg Jans about setting up Tables of 6 for the summer months. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Missions and Outreach: Project Hope - Food shelf month, Explore the idea of building a permanent box for food shelf items with a permanent spot in the church. Address Projects that need to be done in the community for April. Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, & Arts: March communion dates 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, April dates are 4/1 Maundy Thursday, 4/4 Easter, and 4/18. Bibles handed out to 3 year olds and 3rd graders on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. First communion on Maundy Thursday. Discussion on summer time change for Worship. May leave at 10:00am to remain consistent. Paraments nearing completion. Properties: Painting the altar- hire someone since we had no volunteers. Piano man came to tune piano and suggested we get quotes for a humidifier. Fire alarm checked- we need to look at a new electrical contractor Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on-going with Sonia Outdoor sign- DOT approval will be needed for distance and height requirements. Dave Martin to get quotes from Darwin Monument and Richmond Concrete on proposed designs. Cemetery Insurance-after discussion on the current status of cemetery insurance and whether the church policy has a clause for cemetery coverage in its main policy, a motion was made by Dan and seconded by Jeff to add cemetery insurance to the main policy and offer each cemetery board the option to be included. Motion carried. Party to Rival all Parties- Jeff discussed options and ideas were discussed on what the church after COVID celebration would entail and look like. Future discussions and plans to be made. Office Secretary Computer- A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Dan to spend between $300.00-$400.00 to rebuild the current computer with Computer Samurai. New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan- updated Coffee and Fellowship-discussion on having pre-service coffee and fellowship to resume and what would that look like. Building use-ACGC High School has requested the use of Trinity’s fellowship hall for PSAT testing on April 23rd. Approximately 64 students and teachers would be involved for the day. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Chris to approve the use of the building. Motion carried. Streaming Worship-Dan will talk to Computer Samurai to try and figure out and solve the audio and visual difficulties we have with streaming worship. Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 9:05pm and we closed the the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting Date: April 8, 2021 April Council Assistant: Dan Cannon **Minutes approved on April 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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