Present: Dan Cannon, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Kyle Larsen, Chris Slinden, Jake Boonstra, Pastor Megan Preston.
Dan Cannon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Devotion: Dan Cannon read an evening prayer. Approval of Agenda: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Willis Chase to approve agenda. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: -Motion made by Willis Chase, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve February 10th, 2022 council minutes. Motion carried. -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Chris Slinden to approve February 6th, 2022 (Annual Meeting) council minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: -No Report currently due to computer issues. Will issue financials later. Pastor’s: -Pastor Megan shared a spread sheet of stewardship statistics with the council. -There will be 1-2 students going to their first communion retreat, paid through camp account. -Rewrite mask policy signage to making mask wearing optional. -Pastor Megan is continuing to supervisor Intern Sarah, who is halfway through her internship. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: -Easter Breakfast is being planned and will be served Easter Morning from 8:30am to 9:30am. -Adult Education will take a week off and resume on Sunday March 20th. Organizations and Activities: -Signup sheets for Coffee and Fellowship and Wednesday Lent dinners have been filling up. Finance and Stewardship: -1st of 5 phases for SALT program will go out next week. They will be distributed both electronically and printed copies. Mission and Outreach: -Food shelf month is going well. Dennis has been delivering donated food items to the food shelf every Monday. Personnel: -Parish Secretary and Custodial job descriptions are still being reviewed. Worship, Music, and Art’s: -Congregation will start to come forward for communion in efforts to get back to pre-covid. -Will be decorating for Psalm Sunday at 9:30 before service. Congregation will enter as a group. -Bibles will be distributed on Psalm and Easter Sunday. -Maundy Thursday’s communion will be at the rail. -Setup for Easer Sunday will April 16th at 9:30am. -Reviewed 1st Wednesday Lent service discussions, consensus was it went well. -Job Description for Ushers – Was discussed to provide a checklist for ushers, to help guide them through the duties. Checklist can be emailed out to volunteers prior to their time to usher and have printed copy available up by the sanctuary. Properties: -Inspection was made on status of roof and shingles. Shingles on the sanctuary and steeple will need to be replaced in the next few years. -Eves on bump outs have holes in them. Will look at options to fix issue. -Gutters are plugged and will need to be cleaned out. -Windows will need to be caulked again. Old Business: Membership Records: -Membership records are about 85% completed, hoping to have them completed by next council meeting. Emergency Plan: -Looking to allocate responsibility to a member to help finalize an emergency plan. Will remain on old business. Evangelism Task Force: -No discussion currently. Will remain on Old Business. New Business: Outdoor Signage: - Put back up temporary sign, until conditions are good to install new sign. Installation of Council Members at Worship: -Council will be affirmed during Easter Sunday service. Executive Discussion: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Jake Boonstra to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Dan Cannon adjourned meeting at 8:55 p.m. and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, Secretary Next Meeting date April 21st, 2022 April Council Assistant: Jeff Niedenthal **Minutes approved on April 21, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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