Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Meeting-May 9th, 2019
PRESENT: Greg Jans, Brian Weseman, Jeff Niedenthal, David Martin, Richard Larson, Sonia Liedman, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston Greg called the meeting to order at 7:00pm Pastor Megan gave devotions A move to approve the agenda was made by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried with the addition of discussion of the parsonage roof to be added to new business. 2019 GOALS 1:1 Challenge 1:Researching local hunger needs 2:Stream Worship Services- upload to U-tube, who will be in charge of production and filming. Wait until fall to roll this out 3:Youth and Family Ministry Position Reports: Secretary Minutes from the April 12th, meeting were reviewed and a move to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried Treasurer's: Sonia presented the up to date reports and YTD standings, including comparisons to Budget and LY. A move to approve was made by Richard and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. Our Amazon account is now tax exempt and Meeker Cooperative's operation Round-up has monies available as well. Pastor: Good Holy week and Easter. There was an energetic group of new communion takers! Doug Torgerson's memorial went well. The family was well pleased. Pastor Megan has been meeting with different groups and individuals. Synod assembly will be June 7th and 8th. She will be attending with Bert and Mardelle Crist our synod delegates. Maternity leave calendar was tentatively provided We will be combining the June and July newsletter Becky and Pastor Megan will both be gone August 28th -Tuesday September 3rd. It was discussed to have someone cover the phones in the office during that time. Jeff will talk to Becky about working more hours during Pastor Megan's maternity leave. Salon and Spa gift cards were given to Ashley and Jenna for their work with the Sunday School this past year. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth-VBS is as scheduled with Green Lake coordinating. Organizations and Activities- Sign up sheets for coffee after Worship and Tables of 8 Finance- none Mission and Outreach- Thanks to Dennis Brown for coordination of the Backpack program. The youth will pack them on May 16th at 5:30. Others our needed to help. Richard will make some calls. Mission Barbecue is set tentatively for Thursday, August 8th August Bash in Litchfield- the youth will man a popcorn booth for donation Personnel-Will be under Old Business Worship, Music and Arts-During Pastor Megan's maternity leave there will be Pastor's on communion Sundays and lay services on the other. Properties-The refrigerator in the Sacristy needs to be replaced. A motion was made by Greg and seconded by Jeff for Brian to take care of this. Motion carried A bid was presented from 102 Building Center in Grove City for the repair and insulation of the roof on the parsonage, fixing the dry wall and labor to replace the sidewalk in front of the house, in the amount of $4667.00. If we fix the sidewalk and paint ourselves, the estimate is $3767.00. A motion was made by Brian and seconded by Richard to do the repairs. Motion passed. There was also discussion on the need to repair the roof over the communion room. There are currently no shingles left in this area. Old Business: Clean out storage rooms is ongoing Preparing for active shooter incident is ongoing- Meeker county coordinator to meet on June 13th Fire alarm is ongoing. Greg to call and follow-up Membership records-Sonia to look at software program Stained glass windows-Greg to follow-up now that it's spring Candidate for Youth and Family Ministry position won't be applying because of health reasons Tables of Eight needs more people signed up to participate to run with the current format Office copier has been installed with a newer used model Bible camp registration is on going SW MN Eco Faith network will have a booth at the Synod Assembly New Business: Meeker Area Ministries Family Fund night will be Thursday, June 13th, in Central Park Litchfield. It was decided that we would not help this year. Green Lake Ministry Associate Program will be getting a new contact person. It was decided that we would not participate for the 2019/2020 year. There was no need for Executive session Adjournment: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:37pm, and we closed with The Lord's Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is June 13th, 2019 June Council Assistant: David Martin ** Minutes approved at July 11, 2019 - Regular Trinity Church Council Meeting ** Note: there was no Council Meeting held June 13, 2019
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