Trinity Lutheran Church
January 10,2019 Members Present: Pastor Megan, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, Greg Jans, Brian Weseman, Richard Larson Council chairman Greg declared a quorum, and opened the meeting with devotions. The agenda was approved , Reports: The secretary’s report from December 13 was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Pastor Megan provided her report. Noted that we had a good attendance at Christmas services, and the following Christmas day dinner. She has been busy with visitations. Consecration Sunday letters of thank you have been mailed out. Special offering for Young Adult Global Mission will be held at a future worship. Christion Ed: Sunday school is scheduled to run through end of April. Noted an increase of kids attending. There was some discussion concerning staffing. Organizations and Activities: no report Finance and Stewardship: motion by Jeff second by Richard and approved to change the frequency of reporting in the Sunday bulletin, the budget, offering to date and expenditures to the 2nd Sunday of the month after discussion concerning the complications of the information and potential misunderstandings of the data. Mission and Outreach: will be recommending a month appeal for the congregation to donate non-perishable items at church prior to the determination of the menus we will pack during our assigned weeks upcoming this spring. Also asking for research into bulk grocery source. Personnel: no report Properties: monitoring window repair and brought up current status of signage due to time of service change. There was also discussion concerning the condition of the basement carpet, as there is mold and should it be replaced. Worship and Music: no report Other: regarding the Library Committee, for purpose of providing an official notification to First State Bank of Grove City, the authorized officer(s) of the account for the Library Committee of Trinity Lutheran Church of Grove City will be Gloria J. Palmer and Nancy Boreen, replacing Betty Johnson. Motion made by Sonia , seconded by Jeff to advance the motion, carried. Old Business: The storage room clean out is on-going, seeking input from members concerning what should be kept. Committee overseeing the cleanup is concerned that some of the items could be important, The preparation for active shooter incident is on-going. The church’s fire alarm system is not hooked to the fire department, extension to the church proper is on -going with advice to keep the doors at top of stairs open during non- church time. The church driver program is on-going, with hope to create a list of eligible drivers and those who desire rides. Creation of a Funeral Policy is on-going. Annual meeting is scheduled for January 27. Updating of Membership Records. Should stewardship committee be the responsible committee to handle this issue? Hope In the Heartland: there will be a synod sponsored meeting February 2nd at Ebenezer Church in Kandiyohi. Topic is the future of the rural church in Minnesota. There was no new business. There was no need to go into Executive Session Meeting was adjourned with the Lords Prayer. **Approved during Regular Meeting February 14, 2019**
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REGULAR CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING – Dec. 13, 2018 Present: Pastor Megan Preston, Greg Jans, Dennis Brown, Mardelle Crist, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, Richard Larson, and Sharon Smith. Greg called the meeting to order at 7:00. Mardelle shared an article from God Pause about John the Baptist’s call to repent in this Advent season. Jeff moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Richard. Motion carried.
tion of $5876 covered all but $119 of the cost, paid by the building fund. Consecration Sunday yielded a 9.34% increase in giving over the present year, with an anticipated income for 2019 of $182,114.38. Richard moved to approve the report, seconded by Mardelle. Motion carried.
Because Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse) was such a success, additional money is needed to pay for shipping. Dennis moved that Thrivent Choice money be used, seconded by Jeff. Motion carried.
Executive Session – there was no executive session. Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer – Greg adjourned the meeting at 9:23, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Smith, Secretary Next meeting is January 10, 2019 December Council Assistant is Greg Jans **Minutes Approved at January 10, 2019 Meeting** |
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