Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Leidman, Joe Jans, Willis Chase, Jake Boonstra, Kyle Larsen, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:40 pm FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared “Where They Have Seen God” Sunday School Teachers: Gwen and Janelle Joined the council to review the past year of Sunday School and explain curriculum and events for the coming year. Sunday School teachers were recognized by the council for their dedication and hard work. Both were given a gift of the council’s appreciation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Added Donation to Forest City Stockade to New Business. Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Chris Slinden to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve July 2023 minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Willis Chase to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. PASTOR: Megan was able to visit all but 1 member on the visitor’s list this summer. Held a communion service for 9 people at South Grove. She was involved with “Java for Jesus” and church coop services. Megan has resigned from Meeker Area Ministries due to her new job. She was able to attend Jerome and Joan Reckdahl’s 65th wedding anniversary. Lots of coordinating and planning along with preparing documents for her transition. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education and Youth: Dan Cannon was absent. i. Youth Coordinator: No Report ii. Middle & High School Activities: No Report iii. Mission Trip – Serve Boldly: No Report iv. Policies (Carpooling, volunteer background checks, etc.): No Report Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: 1. May-Dec Donations: Motion was made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to donate May-August coffee and fellowship money to Rally Sunday. Motion Carried ii. Antique Car Run: Was a fun and successful event. Provided juice and donuts. Finance and Stewardship: Looking into stewardship campaigns. Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. Mission BBQ: Planning is complete, and arrangements have been made. ii. Mission Auction – January 14th: Tabled until next month to decide a date. iii. God’s Work Our Hands: Tentatively decided on Oct 15th. Looking into options. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Joe will be meeting with committee members at the end of August. Then will meet with Becky, Mary, and custodians for reviews. ii. Office Hours: Office hours will be from 10:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-4:30pm on Monday through Thursday. After September the hours will be 10:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-4:30pm, Tuesday through Friday. Worship, Music, and Arts: Secured (2) pastors, and (1) lay person to cover pastoral duties until the end of the year. Hoping to have (3) emergency on call pastors available if needed. Hoping to meet with the Head of the Coop Committee in September. Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Waiting on bids. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Have received a bid on fixing window. Waiting for another bid. Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS Estate Planning Workshop: Richard Larson & Jeff Niedenthal working on a workshop. Constitutional Updates: Advised to have a small group to go over updates. Streaming Worship: No Report Mission & Vision Statements: Tabled to next month. Windmill Days – Craft fair & parade float: Planning is complete and “Good to Go”. NEW BUSINESS Home Communion Team: Goal is to train some congregation members to visit and deliver at home communion. Will continue to talk with congregation members. MailChimp Subscription – Upgrade ($13/month): A update is needed to provide an easier and more efficient ways of emailing out newsletters. Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Chris Slinden to upgrade MailChimp Subscription for $13/month, for a 6-month period. Motion carried. MN Beer Company: MN wants to provide its services at Trinity’s parking lot during Windmill Days. Motion was made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to amend the Community Service Events portion of the Building Use Guidelines to allow alcohol to be served/sold by a licensed and insured vender only with council approval. Motion carried. Website & Facebook: Discussion was had on who the administrators are, and who has access. Donation to Forest City Stockade: Motion made by Willis Chase, seconded by Jake Boonstra to donate $200 to Forest City Stockade for facility use during VBS, using VBS funds. Motion carried. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. September Council Assistant: Melissa Bergstrom Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes TO BE APPROVED on September 12, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
PRESENT: Dan Cannon, Kyle Larsen, Jake Boonstra, Joe Jans, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Melissa Bergstrom, Pastor Megan Preston
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:42 pm DEVOTIONS: Faithful Innovations APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion was made by Willis and seconded by Joe to approve agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe and seconded by Willis to approve last month’s council meeting minutes. Motion carried. TREASURERS REPORT: Motion made by Willis and seconded by Dan to approve the treasurers report. Motion carried. PASTORS REPORT: Pastor Megan was away last month to a Hermitage up north in Vargus. Lots of time for reflection and prayer. Fall confirmation planning is underway. And multiple shut in visits. COMMITTEE REPORTS: CHRISTIAN EDUCUATION AND YOUTH: SS teachers have been invited to the August council meeting. A motion was made by Joe and 2nd by Dan to purchase a 200.00 gift card for both Janelle and Gwen for their help with Sunday School. Also looking for options for Rejuvenating Youth programs. ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES: Plans are underway for the antique car run August 12th. FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP: nothing to report. MISSION AND OUTREACH: Mission BBQ is scheduled for August 22nd. PERSONAL: Annual reviews continue. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: CO-OP service update: Beckville requested 100.00 to go towards July 2nd co-op service to help pay for the band Beckville church used. Discussion: Melissa felt 100.00 request was unreasonable and thought 50.00 was enough based on what she heard Beckville Church paid for the band. After much discussion was had Kyle made a motion to pay Beckville 75.00 towards the band Joe 2nd the motion. The first vote was 3 yes 3 no. Shortly after the vote Jake arrived late to the meeting. So, after further discussion we decided to vote again. The 2nd vote was 4 yes 3 no so motion finally carried to pay Beckville church 75.00 vs the 100.00 they requested. We also discussed creating a CO-OP committee to look at options moving forward. Pulpit supply is covered for Pastor Megan’s Maternity Leave!! PROPERITIES: Steeple and Lit cross project is complete. Kyle requested 2200.00 to add landscaping around the sign. Motion was made by Kyle to use 2200.00 out of the building fund. Motion was 2nd by Willis and motion carried. Kyle made a motion and was 2nd by Jake to obtain a building permit for roof repairs to the parsonage. Motion carried. ENDOWMENT: Nothing for this committee. OLD BUSINESS: All old business was tabled till next month. NEW BUSINESS Home communion team: The council is looking into home communion training to allow Trinity Visitors to give communion at visits. Windmill Days Float: Jake is planning a float for the parade August 20th in Grove City EXECUTIVE SESSION: Nothing currently Next council meeting is Tuesday August 8th, 2023 at 6:30pm Motion to adjourn by Dan and seconded by Joe. Motion carried. Closed with Lord’s Prayer (Minutes taken by Dan Cannon) **Minutes approved on August 15, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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