Trinity Lutheran Church – Regular Church Council Minutes December 20, 2022 (approved with changes)1/26/2023 Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, Jake Boonstra, Dan Cannon, Joe Jans, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston
CALL TO ORDER: President Richard Larson called meeting to order at 6:30pm DEVOTION: Chris Slinden read a devotion talking about moving into a new year. FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Sonia Liedman explained the work Faithful Innovations will be doing at Trinity Lutheran Church. Sonia challenged the council to give an example of when they saw God’s work that day. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Dan Cannon & seconded by Joe Jans to approve agenda. Motion Carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe Jans & seconded by Dan Cannon to approve November’s Minutes. Motion carried. Motion made by Willis Chase & seconded by Joe Jans to approve December 4th special congregation meeting minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Jeff explained that revenue was down compared to last year. Jeff also explained that expenses were up due to high energy costs. PASTOR: Pastor Megan was out of the office for a week with Covid. Since being back she has held visitations at the nursing home. Attended a fund raiser for Meeker Area Ministries. Megan has also continued with here coaching. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School: Participation has been good. Kids have been practicing for their Christmas Program. ii. Youth Coordinator: Still consulting with bible camps for options on obtaining a youth coordinator. iii. Middle and High School Activities: No New information currently. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: Sign-up sheets have ample signatures. ii. Advent Soup & Sandwich: All dates are taken for volunteers for Advent suppers. 1. Dec 21st Christmas Program: Pre Christmas-Program supper has been planned iii. Movie Night: First movie night was a huge success. Preparations for another on December 28th are being made. Finance and Stewardship: i. SALT Project: Synods website has good tools to help with Stewardship. Jeff will work with new liaison to continue stewardship campaigns. ii. Electronic Giving: Table to April. Mission & Outreach Ministry: No report this month. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Joe met with Parish Secretary for a review. Has yet to review with other personnel. Worship, Music, and Arts: Communion on Christmas Eve will be done in 2 lines up front instead of rail. Hymn slips have been handed out, have received some back. Next movie night will be held on December 28th at 6:00 pm. Properties: Front door has been fixed. Kyle will check with the city regarding salting the parking lot. Kyle was absent therefore no more to report. Endowment Committee: No report. OLD BUSINESS Estate Planning Workshop: Part of Stewardship. Continue with installation of new liaison to Finance and Stewardship. Holiday Express: $852 was raised during free will offering. There was $200 in expenses leaving total of $650. (Motion was made by Chris Slinden & seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to donated proceeds of $650 to Meeker County Food Shelf. Motion carried. (Motion removed 1/10/23)) Nominating Committee: Ballots have been received. Christmas Lights in Windmill Park: Success!! Hosted 37 vehicles the first night, and 50+ the second night. Constitutional Updates: Will continue after the 1st of the year. NEW BUSINESS 2023 Budget: After discussion on budget numbers, Jeff will revise numbers and be sent to council for approval. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Next Meeting: January 10th, 2023, at 6:30pm November Council Assistant: Dan Cannon Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes approved (with changes) on January 10, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
Council MembersPresident: Archives
November 2024
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