Present: Greg Jans, Dave Martin, Janelle Johnson, Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Willis Chase, Pastor Megan Preston
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm. Devotions: Dave Martin Agenda approved as presented by Jeff, seconded by Dave. Motion carried Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the June 11th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Dave. Motion carried Treasurer’s: June offerings were significantly higher than we usually see for a summer month. Our PPP government loan period has expired and Sonia will be filing the paperwork to convert it to a grant. We should qualify to have the entire $21,984 loan converted to a grant. We received our reimbursement from the Meeker Area Ministries for the cost of the March Backpack program. There’s a provision in the Covid CARES act that makes charitable donations to nonprofits in 2020, 100% deductible on Federal taxes. There’s also a deduction allowed ($300 individual, $600 joint) for those who don’t itemize. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Jeff and seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Pastor’s: We’ve had two outdoor and two indoor services in the last month. We will be prerecording musical selections to play during the indoor services. Pastor Megan is still working with the Litchfield area churches and streaming Sunday morning services. While Pastor Megan is on vacation, there will be no services on Sunday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 9th. Pastor Mindy Czycalla will be on call during this time. While on vacation, Pastor Megan will preside over a wedding in Lutsen for Damian Zaeska and Courtney Malvin. Pastor Megan painted the parsonage kitchen and 1/2 bath while at home during Covid as well as keeping things running in the church office. We have also paid out the mission support to Green Lake. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Sunday School Plan for the fall? Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: N/A Missions and Outreach Ministry: Backpack program? Baptist Church has a new minister. Personnel: Still looking to fill the Sunday School coordinator position Worship and Music: placed order for electrical eternal candle, prepackaged juice/wafer sets have been ordered for communion, communion will be on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, church services are running about 30-45 minutes, options are being discussed to use recorded images for special music, reading stories, reading lessons, etc. to involve the congregation. Properties: N/A Other committees: N/A Old Business: Membership records-ongoing Qualified Charitable Distributions- resend previous information sheet Emergency plan-on hold Painting the Altar- to be completed this summer New Business: Worship Plan-continue indoor service. While Pastor Megan is on vacation, service will be online only. Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan-see attached copy Outdoor Sign-getting bids for replacement, approximate $5359.00 with insurance value at $4209.00. Clean-up of old sign debris set for Friday, July 10th. Will look at other alternatives for a new sign design. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting: August 13th, 2020 August Council Assistant: Janelle Johnson **Minutes approved on August 13, 2020 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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