Present: Jeff Niedenthal, Jake Boonstra, Willis Chase, Dave Martin, Janelle Johnson, Richard Larson, Pastor Megan Preston
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Devotions: Janelle Johnson reading Agenda: Motion to move Kristle Chase to the beginning of the meeting. Approved. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Jeff and seconded by Jake. Motion approved. Kristle Chase presented a proposal to consider putting a private practice mental health meeting location in the church. Kristle currently works for Woodland Centers and is primarily at the ACGC schools location. She is looking at going into private practice so she can have more time to deal with families and their specific needs more in depth. After discussion, it was decided we would explore the option more thoroughly and check with liability and insurance scenarios that the church would incur if space was used. Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the June 10th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: A motion was presented to give July coffee money to Heritage by Jeff and seconded by Jake. Motion carried. Expenses and revenues are still on track as expected. A motion to approve the report as presented was made by Willis and seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan expressed that her time away in June was good and much needed. During this time a new Bishop was elected for our Synod. Pastor Dee Peterson will start her new duties in September and officially be installed in October. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. VBS- looking at a day in August. Contacting committee members to plan ii. Sunday School/Rally Day- First Sunday after Labor Day- plan committee meeting to plan out the year. Organizations and Activities: i. Tables of 8- up and running ii. Coffee Fellowship- planned and looking for volunteers to serve Finance and Stewardship: N/A Missions and Outreach: i. Mission Auction-looking at dates ii. Mission BBQ-planned for August 10th, 2021. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Jake for the proceeds of the BBQ to go to Grove City CARE. Motion carried. iii. God’s Work our Hands-still looking at options Personnel: i. Job Descriptions- Janitor’s- ok as currently exists, Musical Director- updating description as needed, Church Secretary- currently working on Worship, Music, Arts: July services outside, planning for purple paraments to be made. Properties: Split rail fence to be looked at. Looking to clean up area and contact owner of adjacent building. i. Painting the altar- on-going ii. Parsonage Walk Through- still to be planned Other committees: N/A Old Business: Review COVID 19 Preparedness Plan and Building Use- on- going as needed. Membership Records: On-going Outdoor Sign- on-going Party to Rival all Parties- on-going planning Co-op Churches- continue to grow with events being planned as a group. New Business: Kristle Chase proposal- addressed earlier in the meeting. Richard will talk to Zion Church to see how they handle theirs. Dave to talk to insurance company on liability coverage. Funeral Lunches- go ahead as planned with previous approved guidelines. Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:54 pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date August 12th, 2021 August Council Assistant: Jeff Niedenthal **Minutes approved on August 12, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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