Present: Greg Jans, Dave Martin, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan, Richard Larson, Brian Weseman, Jeff Niedenthal
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm Devotions: Janelle Johnson A motion to approve the agenda was given by Jeff and Seconded by Brian. Motion carried. 1:1 Challenge- Jeff talked with a current parishioner. 2019 Goals 1: Researching local hunger needs 2: Stream Worship Services- Dale Tagtow has made improvements to his equipment to help improve the quality of the transmission. 3: Youth and Family Ministry Position-A current possibility did not work out. Reports: Secretary Minutes from the August 8th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and Seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: After reviewing the report and discussion about the annual salary increase for the Pastor and the increase in health insurance costs with the addition of baby Emmett to the policy, a motion was made by Richard and Seconded by Brian to approve the report. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan is back from maternity leave to full time status. She stated many thanks for handling things while she was away. She has been visiting people and catching up on her other duties. Confirmation this year will be October 27th, with 3 possibly 4 being confirmed. An update from Green Lake Bible Camp: We had 7 campers this year, VBS went well and the financial situation is all square. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Sunday School is going well. A decision needs to be made if we will have the Breakfast Club this year for 7-12th grades, possibly just one a month. A motion was made by Jeff and Seconded by Richard to spend $300.00 for the youth to attend the Renaissance festival this year. Motion carried. Jeff will make a flyer to see how many are interested. Organizations and Activities: Will do some calling to get volunteers to serve coffee on Sunday mornings. There will be 3 Advent soup and sandwich suppers this year. The first will be served by the council, second will be a youth fundraiser and the third we will be asking for volunteers. We will also be sending information out for Thanksgiving eve pie to be served after the service. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Missions and Outreach Ministry: Richard gave a follow-up on the Mission barbecue. Attendance was slightly down but revenue was up mainly because of all the great items to buy chances to win. A motion was made by Jeff and Seconded by Brian to move the Mission auction to the end of January right after the annual meeting. Motion carried. Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, Arts: N/A Properties: Gutters have been installed and repaired on the church and the parsonage. Insulation is finished in the parsonage and Dave Pautzke will be sanding the new sheet rock. A motion was made by Jeff and Seconded by Richard to earmark the donations from the advent-supper the council serves to go to the stained glass window repair fund. Motion carried. The new refrigerator has been installed in the Sacristy. Other Committees: A committee of Jeff Niedenthal, Greg Jans, Janelle Johnson, Sam Swisher and Dave Martin will be working on an Emergency Operations Plan for the church. The committee will start working on the project right after the first of the year and has set an April 1st deadline for completion. We will have a structural evaluation of the church done to determine “safe spots” and will search for a full blueprint of the church before we start. Old Business: Clean out storage rooms-on going Updating membership-on going Long term maintenance on stained glass windows-on going Sacristy refrigerator-installed New Business: Annual meeting Date- January 26th, backup February 2nd Executive Session Adjournment: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:11 pm, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is October 10th, 2019 October council assistant: Gabby Swisher ** Minutes approved at October 10, 2019 – Regular Trinity Lutheran Church Council meeting**
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