Present: Richard Larson, Kyle Larsen, Jeff Niedenthal, Willis Chase, Chris Slinden, Jake Boonstra, Megan Preston.
Call to Order: Richard Larson call meeting to order at 6:25pm Devotion: Richard Larson shared a story of a personal experience that shows how the right people are in the right spot, at the right time. Approval of Agenda: Add 3 items to agenda. 1-substitute musician pay, 2-Banners, 3-Endowment committee – general expenses. Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve agenda. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Willis Chase to approve July Minuets. Motion carried Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve August Minuets. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Motion made by Jake Boonstra, seconded by Willis Chase, motion carried. Pastor’s: Spend 2 weeks in Norway. Prepping for fall with Confirmation, Sunday school, Adult Education. Intern Sarah has completed Internship at PEACE. Attended Good Courage Farm on 9/13 and had worship in the silo. Had final Coop service and will evaluate. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: -No VBS this year, will evaluate for next summer. -Sunday school starts Oct 3rd. -Move Youth Coordinator to next month. Organizations and Activities: -Coffee and Fellowship signup sheets will be passed around at church. -Antique Car Run was a success. -Continuing to plan for movie night on Nov 18th. Finance and Stewardship: -First letter of the SALT program is out. Second mailing will go out on Monday. Third mailing will go out on Sept 22nd and will contain a pledge card. Mission and Outreach: -Mission BBQ went great. $3800 was raised and will be split equally between Grove City CARE, Meeker Area Ministries, Grove City community garden. -Gods Work Our Hands will take place on October 9th. Volunteers will help clean the grounds at the church, and wash windows at South Grove. -Mission Auction will take place on October 29th, following church service. Personnel: No Report Worship, Music, and Art’s: -Starting Sept 18th, Communion will take place at rail. Healing service will be on October 19th. Stewardship giving Sunday will be October 2nd. Confirmation Sunday will be October 30th. All Saints Sunday will be November 6th. Christ the King Sunday, and setup for advent will be on November 20th. No Service on November 24th. Advent services will be on Wednesdays, November 30th, December 7th, 14th, and 21st. Christmas eve service will be at 4pm, with no Christmas day service. Meeting with Coop churches to give feedback on services. Favorite Hymn Sunday possibly in Jan. Trinity donated 35 of 37 hymn books and accompanist books to congregation in Hector. Create a wish list for church when memorial money is donated. -Substitute musician pay was discussed, add to Old Business. -Banners will be tabled for now. Properties: -LED Retrofit is 95% completed -Sanctuary roof, receiving more bids. -Parsonage Chimney, move to next month. -Parsonage siding and soffits, no report. -Outdoor signage, move to next month. Old Business: -Remove Exit plan from old business. -Evangelism Task, start working on in October. -Landscaping around new sign. Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Richard Larson to spend $750 from endowment fund on materials and supplies, less labor for landscaping around new sign. Motion carried. -Memorial Tree has been replaced. New Business: -Estate planning workshop, will begin working on in October. -Santa Days, continuing to get ideas and plan. -Council meeting and times. Will continue to be on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm -Nominating committee has reached out that church will need new council members and will need to discuss replacing treasurer. -Endowment Committee. Receive regular general expense reports. Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 8:37 p.m. and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, Secretary Next Meeting date Tuesday October 11th, 2022, at 6:30pm September Council Assistant: Richard Larson **Minutes approved on October 11, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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