Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, David Martin, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:01pm Devotions: Sonia Agenda approved as presented Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the August 13th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s We still have money in the bank! Software and computer bills will be coming due in September The Green Lake challenge raised $3161.00 A motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Stable and continuing to work with the Litchfield area churches. Would like to continue to work with and collaborate in the future. We will be working together remotely on Confirmation. The plan for my continuing education as a group in October, probably won’t happen, but I will be taking the week of October 13th-19th for personal study. We need to address what our longer term goal of getting together as a group looks like and address what we’re hearing from our community. Where do we hear the Spirit calling us? Thinking bigger and broader, crisis can reignite spirituality. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Put together packets for families to pick up twice a month. Explore the possibility of reading a Bible story to put online for families to view and listen to. Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission and Outreach: Sunday, September 13th, 8:30 am group service at the Starlite drive-in followed by God’s Work our Hands at the church to complete various projects and clean-up. Personnel: Annual reviews for staff set for September and October. Worship and Music: October services will be indoors and Communion dates are October 4th, 18th, and 25th. Barb Larson and Gwen Chase are on altar guild. Confirmation Sunday is October 25th. Prepackaged Communion elements have been reordered. Barb will make flags for prayer requests to be strung in front of the church by the entryway. There will be a five week prayer theme starting September 20th. Healing service will be October 11th, All Saints November 11th, and there will be a paraments meeting on September 19. Properties: N/A Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership records- on going Qualified Charitable Distributions- waiting to send letter Emergency Plan- on hold Painting the Altar- still planned Worship Plan- October back inside the church Outdoor Sign- plans for a temple talk to explain to the congregation New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan- posted in the entryway. Hosting Groups- discussion about protocol for cleaning, making sure Plan is followed and meets guidelines. Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting: October 8th, 2020 October Council Assistant: Jeff Niedenthal **Minutes approved on October 8, 2020 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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