PRESENT: Dan Cannon, Kyle Larsen, Jake Boonstra, Joe Jans, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Melissa Bergstrom, Pastor Megan Preston
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstom called meeting to order at 6:43pm DEVOTIONS: Kyle Larsen FAITHFULL INNOVATIONS: “where have you seen god today” this was placed on the sign in front of the building, as well as being talked about during Worship, Confirmation, and Christian Education. We shared as a council “God Moments” of the past week as well. The 2nd faith innovations workshop is scheduled for February 11, 2023 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion was made by Willis and seconded by Jake to approve agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe and seconded by Kyle to approve the January 10th council meeting minutes. Motion carried. Motion made by Dan and seconded by Willis to approve the 2023 annual meeting minutes. Motion carried. TREASURERS REPORT: Motion made by Joe and seconded by Kyle to approve the treasurers report. Motion carried. PASTORS REPORT: Planning for lent is underway, Confirmation is going well, currently 11 kids are attending in spanning across 3 years. COMMITTEE REPORTS: CHRISTIAN EDUCUATION AND YOUTH: Movie night is planned for February 17th, Plans are in progress for an outing in March. ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES: Lenten soup and sandwich supper sign up sheets are being printed. Council is signing up for the first and last suppers. Donations this Lenten season will go to the ACGC Backpack Program. Motion made by Joe and seconded by Kyle to approve the allocation of funds. Coffee money for January, February, & April will be divided between the 3 cemetery boards. Motion made by Joe and seconded by Kyle to approve the allocation of funds. Coffee Money for March will be collected for the food shelf. Motion made by Joe and seconded by Kyle to approve the allocation of funds. Still a need for people to sign up to serve coffee on Sundays. FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP: Discussion about electronic giving, and how to get people back to church. PERSONAL: Annual reviews continue. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: Committee implemented roping off the last 5 rows of pews on each side of church in and effort to bring people closer together. There is an issue of people not coming up from coffee soon enough to allow church to start on time. Looking at condensing bulletins and newsletters to save paper and office time LENTEN SERVICES: SOUP AND SANDWIHICES AT 5:30 PM with Holden Evening Prayer service at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. This year’s theme is “changes.” WEEK 1: CHANGE IN SEASON, WEEK 2: CHANGE IN HABIT, WEEK 3: CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCE, WEEK 4: CHANGE OF HEART, & WEEK 5: CHANGE OF PLANS EASTER SCHEDULE: 8:30-9:30 EASTER BREAKFAST 10 AM EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE PROPERITIES: Furnace vent roof leak being addressed. Looking at possible replace for basement furnace. Parsonage chimney is set for removal in the spring. Also planning on siding and soffit repainting ENDOWMENT: Nothing for this committee. OLD BUSINESS Estate planning workshop-tabled Constitution update- Progress is being made. Streaming- Looking for possible streaming options. NEW BUSINESS Council retreat- pending AED- Concern were expressed about condition and training on use. Looking into both Winter weather policy- tabled. FFA shirt sponsorship- motion made to sponsor FFA for 240.00 made by Joe and seconded by Kyle, motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Nothing currently Council assistant for March is Daniel Cannon Next council meeting is Tuesday March 14, 2023 at 6:30pm Motion to adjourn by Joe and seconded by Jake. Motion carried. Closed with Lord’s Prayer Dan Cannon, Acting Secretary **Minutes approved on March 14, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
Vice President Dan Cannon called meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.
I. Devotion: Pastor Megan Preston led congregation in opening Liturgy, followed by a “Breath Prayer”. II. Declaration of Quorum and Appointment of Election Tellers: Greg Jans & Jim Curry appointed as Election Tellers. Quorum declared by Vice President Dan Cannon. III. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Greg Jans & seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to approve agenda. Motion carried. IV. Elections: A. Report of the Nominating Committee: No Report. B. Nominations from the Floor: Jeff Niedenthal & Greg Jans volunteer for Nominating Committee. C. Balloting: Motion made by Mike Buer & seconded by Joe Jans to cast unanimous ballot. Motion carried. V. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Megan was excited with the conversations held in the past year. Conversations involving Who we are at Trinity, in the community, and the world. Pastor also happy with the new experiments tried to create deeper awareness and help deepen our relationship with the community. VI. Council Reports: A. Presidents Report: Dan Cannon Read President Richard Larson’s report from the annual report. B. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff provided an overview of current finance situation, and has idea’s on how to help Trinity prosper. C. Christian Education and Youth Committee: No Report. D. Mission and Outreach Committee: Expressed need for new committee members. E. Worship, Music, and Arts Committee: No Report. F. Finance and Stewardship Committee: Jeff will have more time to devote. G. Church Properties Committee: Lighted Cross is in progress. Accepting bids on steeple. H. Personnel Committee: No Report. I. Organizations and Activities: No Report. VII. Reports, Groups, and Organizations: A. Endowment Fund: No Report. B. Woman of the ELCA: No Report. C. Scholarship Committee: No Report. D. Library Committee: Puzzle exchange now available. E. Heritage Committee: No Report. F. Green Lake Lutheran Ministries: Report not ready. Office can issue report. VIII. Auditor’s Report: No Report. IX. Election Results: No re-balloting. X. Old Business: No Old Business. XI. New Business: A. Approval of Budget for 2023: Motion made by Greg Jans & seconded by Jim Curry to approve 2023 budget. Motion carried. B. Other: None C. Be it resolved that “We Trinity Lutheran Church, thank and recognize the outgoing Church Council Members: Richard Larson and Jeff Niedenthal.” D. Be it resolved that “We give a special thank-you to our pastor and staff for their faithful ministry among us during the past year.” E. Be it resolved that “Permission be given to the Church Council to approve the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting at the February Council meeting.” VII. Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Dennis Brown & seconded by Mike Buer to adjourn 2022 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Table Prayer. Meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Chris Slinden, acting secretary. **Minutes approved on February 7, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl Present: Dan Cannon, Jeff Niedenthal, Joe Jans, Kyle Larsen, Willis Chase, Pastor Megan Preston, Chris Slinden
CALL TO ORDER: Vice President Dan Cannon called meeting to order at 6:38pm DEVOTION: Jeff Niedenthal shared a message he had read from Bishop Barron. Explained 3 phases of seeing God’s work. First was noticing, second was determining where it came from, third is declaring it to others. FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Group has met with Faithful Innovation’s coach. Next steps will be talking with Sunday School Coordinators, Confirmation class, and introduce to Sunday morning fellowship. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Add AA meeting to New Business. Motion made by Chris Slinden & seconded by Willis Chase to approve agenda. Motion Carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Kyle Larsen & seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to redact proceeds from Holiday Express going to Meeker County Food Shelf, and to bank proceeds to future year expenses of Holiday Express. Motion carried. Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, & seconded by Joe Jans to approve December 13th, 2022, minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Willis Chase to approve 2023 Budget. Motion carried. Introduce a 4-phase approach to better Trinity’s finances. 1- inform congregation, 2- promote electronic giving, 3- use Synod tools, 4- encourage attendance. Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to approve Treasury’s report. Motion carried. PASTOR: Working on ways to streamline things at Trinity, ex multi-use bulletins. Pastor Megan encourages any ideas. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School: Christmas Program went well even being on a later date. ii. Youth Coordinator: Exploring ways to advertise job opening. iii. Middle and High School Activities: Brainstorming ideas. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: No report. ii. Annual Meeting Potluck: Congregation has been informed to bring items. iii. Advent Soup & Sandwich: Discussion on whether to continue. Was decided that was too valuable to do away with. Need to enlist new and more volunteers. iii. Movie Night: December’s movie night was a success. Will hold movie night on February 17th, 2023. Finance and Stewardship: i. Electronic Giving: Table to April. Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. Project Hope Backpack Program: Will host month of April. Planning has begun. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Joe met with Janitors. Worship, Music, and Arts: No Report. Properties: i. Sanctuary Roof: Motion has passed with congregation. Will be proceeding. ii. Parsonage Chimney: Revisit in early Spring. iii. Parsonage Siding and Soffits: Has been decided to hold off on project. Endowment Committee: No report. OLD BUSINESS Estate Planning Workshop: Will inform congregation at Annual Meeting. Nominating Committee: Looking for nominations for outgoing council members. Constitutional Updates: Continuing to be worked on. Synod may have advisors to help. NEW BUSINESS 2023 Budget: Motion was passed to approve 2023 Budget. Streaming Worship: Exploring possible avenues to restart streaming on services. Will explore options and revisit next month. AA Meeting: Council was asked about holding an AA Study Group. Motion was made by Joe Jans & seconded by Kyle Larsen to allow AA meetings at Trinity Lutheran Church. Motion carried. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal & seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 29th. Organizational Meeting: Following Annual Meeting. Next Meeting: February 7th, 2023, at 6:30pm November Council Assistant: Kyle Larsen. Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes approved on February 7, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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