Vice President Dan Cannon called meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.
I. Devotion: Pastor Megan Preston led congregation in opening Liturgy, followed by a “Breath Prayer”. II. Declaration of Quorum and Appointment of Election Tellers: Greg Jans & Jim Curry appointed as Election Tellers. Quorum declared by Vice President Dan Cannon. III. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Greg Jans & seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to approve agenda. Motion carried. IV. Elections: A. Report of the Nominating Committee: No Report. B. Nominations from the Floor: Jeff Niedenthal & Greg Jans volunteer for Nominating Committee. C. Balloting: Motion made by Mike Buer & seconded by Joe Jans to cast unanimous ballot. Motion carried. V. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Megan was excited with the conversations held in the past year. Conversations involving Who we are at Trinity, in the community, and the world. Pastor also happy with the new experiments tried to create deeper awareness and help deepen our relationship with the community. VI. Council Reports: A. Presidents Report: Dan Cannon Read President Richard Larson’s report from the annual report. B. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff provided an overview of current finance situation, and has idea’s on how to help Trinity prosper. C. Christian Education and Youth Committee: No Report. D. Mission and Outreach Committee: Expressed need for new committee members. E. Worship, Music, and Arts Committee: No Report. F. Finance and Stewardship Committee: Jeff will have more time to devote. G. Church Properties Committee: Lighted Cross is in progress. Accepting bids on steeple. H. Personnel Committee: No Report. I. Organizations and Activities: No Report. VII. Reports, Groups, and Organizations: A. Endowment Fund: No Report. B. Woman of the ELCA: No Report. C. Scholarship Committee: No Report. D. Library Committee: Puzzle exchange now available. E. Heritage Committee: No Report. F. Green Lake Lutheran Ministries: Report not ready. Office can issue report. VIII. Auditor’s Report: No Report. IX. Election Results: No re-balloting. X. Old Business: No Old Business. XI. New Business: A. Approval of Budget for 2023: Motion made by Greg Jans & seconded by Jim Curry to approve 2023 budget. Motion carried. B. Other: None C. Be it resolved that “We Trinity Lutheran Church, thank and recognize the outgoing Church Council Members: Richard Larson and Jeff Niedenthal.” D. Be it resolved that “We give a special thank-you to our pastor and staff for their faithful ministry among us during the past year.” E. Be it resolved that “Permission be given to the Church Council to approve the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting at the February Council meeting.” VII. Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Dennis Brown & seconded by Mike Buer to adjourn 2022 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Table Prayer. Meeting adjourned at 11:36 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Chris Slinden, acting secretary. **Minutes approved on February 7, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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