Present: Willis Chase, Dave Martin, Chris Slinden, Janelle Johnson, Jeff Niedenthal, Richard Larson, Pastor Megan Preston
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:02pm Devotions: Jeff read a piece dealing with the topic question, where are we as a nation when houses of worship are clearing out? A motion to approve the agenda, as presented, was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the September 9th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Willis to give coffee money from August-October to the Food Shelf and to apply for Thrivent match dollars. Motion carried. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis to apply memorial money from Phyllis Berggren to the Endowment fund. Motion carried. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented was made by Dave and seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Pastor’s: There have been 5 burials in 9 days this month. Very grief filled month. Regular scheduled fall things are back in progress. Confirmation has 10 youth attending. Attended the fall theological conference this year via zoom and a new Bishop has been installed. Continue to meet with intern Sara Dates for the annual meeting are January 23rd, 2022 and January 30th as the backup date. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School/ Rally Day, October 10th- went well with 10 youth attending and Janelle Johnson and Gwen Chase as leaders. 9am Sunday mornings. ii. Adult Education- History/Reformation- October 10th- 11 adults present with Jeff Niedenthal as the leader. 9am Sunday mornings. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship-9am Sunday mornings. Need people to sign up to serve. ii. Advent meals- 3 Wednesday Advent soup and sandwich meals are planned. The Council will serve the first and volunteers are needed for the others. Finance and Stewardship: i. SALT project-items for stewardship drive are ordered Missions and Outreach: i. God’s Work our Hands-went well, the back exterior steps are in need of an upgrade. Perhaps this project could be an Eagle Scout project? ii. Mission Auction- set for October 24th, proceeds to Synod mission, live auction iii. Project Hope-food has been purchased for backpacks Personnel: i. Job descriptions-send a current copy to each employee and have them reply with updates. Will approve updates at the January annual meeting. Worship, Music,& Arts: Sunday October 31st will be Confirmation Sunday with Gavin Jensrud being confirmed and Briggs Sparks baptism will also be on the 31st. All Saints will be on Sunday, November 7th. Thanksgiving pie will be served before church on Sunday, November 21st. Christmas Eve service will be at 4pm. The new purple paraments are in the process of being made. Properties: i. Parsonage walk-through- Dan Cannon and Greg Jans examined the property and are getting bids on items in need of repair. ii. Split rail fence-Dave Martin will repair iii. Kitchen refrigerator-on the way iv. Snow removal-in the process of getting bids for snow removal in the parking lot. Old Business: Membership Records- on going Outdoor Sign-Motion made by Dave and seconded by Jeff to make the purchase of the new sign plus electrical costs. Motion carried True Compass Counseling Lease- lease completed and Kristle Chase is on sight. Keys for the front door and the office she uses will be given New Business: Living Nativity- Janelle Johnson will be the liaison from Trinity. Co-op Ministry-? Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is November 11th, 2021 November Council assistant: Willis Chase **Minutes approved on November 11, 2021 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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January 2025
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