Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans
-CALL TO ORDER: Vice-President Kyle Larsen called meeting to order at 6:47 pm. -Richard Larson attended to provide update and ask council for guidance of Endowment Fund. -FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS -SECRETARY: Motion made by Melissa Bergstrom, seconded Chris Slinden to approve November 2023 minutes. Motion carried. -TREASURY: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS -Christian Education and Youth: i. Confirmation: Finish mailing out Certificates. -Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: 1. Sept-December 2023 Coffee Money Designations: Motion made By Jake Boonstra, seconded by Chris Slinden to donate September through December 2023 coffee money to UCAP towards best use. Motion carried. -Finance and Stewardship: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to approve 2024 Budget. Motion carried. -Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. BackPack Hub: Council accepts being the “Grove City Hub” for program. ii. KLFD Holiday Music and Announcements: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Joe Jans to advertise with KLFD for $139 for advertising. Motion carried. iii. Monthly Radio Service-sponsorships: Tabled -Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: N/A -Worship, Music, and Arts: Services planned for December, Christmas, Wednesday Advent services. The last service in December and 1st service in January will be lay led. Pastor Donna is scheduled for 3 services in January. -Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Will have bids for next month. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Will be getting completed. iii. Parsonage – Renting: Continuing discussions. iv. Snow Plowing: Checking with City. v. Signs: Options of notifications signs were presented to council. -Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS -Grove City Lion’s “Light up the Park”: Group will be setting up Trinity’s portion. NEW BUSINESS Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Chris Slinden and seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. January Council Assistant: Melissa Bergstrom Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes Approved on January 9, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl
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January 2025
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