Called to order 10:55 am.
Members present: David Martin, Jeff Niedenthal, Daniel Cannon, Jake Boonstra, Richard Larson. Agenda:
Discussion was held. David has visited with our property/liability insurance agent and a company underwriter with the question, “If we are covered, do we need additional coverage and how much would that cost?” David said the amount quoted was $50 additional premium per year. Additional discussion was had concerning the acceptance of this idea by the general congregation. The council noted this concern but felt a majority of the congregation would support leasing out an office space for the services Ms. Chase will perform for the community. Other discussion was had concerning if this action would set a precedence that a future lease would take advantage of. Since no final action will be made until the regular council meeting set for September, the question was called. Motion carried by a vote of 4-1. Motion by Jeff, seconded by Dan to adjourn the meeting, Carried. 11:23 am. Submitted by; Richard Larson **Minutes approved on September 9, 2021 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
Present: Richard Larson, Pastor Megan Preston, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Dave Martin, Chris Slinden.
Richard Larson called meeting to order at 6:59pm Devotions: Jeff Niedenthal – N/A Motion to approve Agenda by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Dave Martin. Motion carried! Reports: Secretary’s: No Report, Janelle was Absent. Motion to approve by Jeff, second by Willis, motion carried! Treasurer’s: No Report at this time. Electronic copies will be sent to council members. Will approve August Treasurer’s report at September council meeting. Willis motioned, second by Chris, motioned carried! Pastor’s Report: Pastor attended Peace Lutheran to help answer questions about new student pastor. Pastor Meghan will be a supervisor pastor for the new student pastor at Peace Lutheran. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Janelle was absent, but discussed possible VBS date, and discussion on Sunday School Committee. Organizations and Activities: Jake was absent, no new report. Discussion on Tables of 8, and confirmed that coffee and fellowship still running smoothly. Finance and Stewardship: Under Budget. Discussion on a 2 ideas for stewardship campaign to promote long term confidence in money spending. Mission and Outreach: Possible date for Mission Auction date of Oct 24, 2021, will leave open for discussion. Mission BBQ was attended by approximately 175 people, raising $2173. $2116 will be donated to Grove City C.A.R.E. idea’s for September 12th 2021 “God’s Work Our Hands” are, clean up around church, replace wooded barrier around playground, provide ground cleanup at South Grove Assisted Living. Personnel: Job description was delivered to Virginia. Will still be reaching out to other employees. Worship, Music, & Arts: Welcomed Melissa Bergstrom to the committee. Beckville Picnic Grounds will host service on September 5th at 8:30. New setting for “Beneath the Tree”. Sunday school worship, one worship per month, being kid friendly. Healing service sometime in October. October 31st – Confirmation. Have Ryan Buer install “Eternal Flame”. November 7th will be “All Saints” service. Discussion of a new Keyboard for outdoor services. Purple paraments in process, will have by Ash Wednesday. Properties: Dan was absent. Discussion on repairs at Parsonage. Other Committee’s: N/A Old Business: Review COVID 19 Preparedness Plan and Building Use, checking into requirements. Will be taken off agenda. Membership records – Late September Outdoor Sign – Check with Viking Sign on possible options. Dave Martin Motioned to budget $15,000 for Sign Quote with Viking Sign, was seconded by Chris Slinden, motioned carried! Party to Rival all Parties - Remove from agenda, because of COVID. Will revisit in December. Coop Church’s – Continuing to explore ways to work together. Remove from old business. Kristle Chase Proposal – Discussion, Motion by Jeff Niedenthal, second by Willis to examine lease agreement with Kristle Chase for temporary workspace at Trinity Lutheran Church. Motion carried. Will have a special council meeting on August 22nd, 2021, at 10:45pm, to discuss topic. New Business: Mission Auction - Possible date of October 24th, 2021 Informal Request by Missy Bergstrom for hosting a sewing event at Trinity Lutheran Church. After discussion all council members agree, she may pursue hosting the event. Executive Session: President Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 8:25 p.m. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, acting Secretary Next meeting September 9th, 2021. May Council Assistant: Richard Larson. **Minutes approved on September 9, 2021 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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