Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Meeting
April 11th, 2019 Present: Pastor Megan Preston, Sonia Liedman, Jeff Niedenthal, Greg Jans, Brian Weseman, David Martin, Gabby Swisher, Janelle Johnson Greg called the meeting to order at 7:03pm Pastor Megan gave devotions A move to approve the agenda was made by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried with the addition of adding Windmill days to the agenda. 2019 Goals 1: 1 Challenge 1: Researching local hunger needs 2: Stream Worship Services 3: Youth and Family Ministry Position Southwest Eco Faith Network-Conference or churches take the lead to start things. Concerns addressed would be climate change, water and air quality Reports: Secretary Minutes from the March 14th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a move to approve was made by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried Treasurers: Sonia presented the up to date reports and YTD standings. A move to approve was given by Brian and seconded by Gabby. Motion carried Pastor: Pastor Megan started with an update on the Lenten services and on the Pastors retreat she had attended. There were 20 pastors in attendance at the retreat and she stated that the average age was over 45 for these first time pastors. For many, it was their second career. The Bishop was also at the retreat, and he talked about updating Constitutions and HR issues. The 5+3+3 training for first communion was being completed and there will be 11 total that will take their first communion on Maundy Thursday. She attended the Youth Conference with 3 youth from our Church Dawson Miller was re-elected to be on the board. She is currently planning and getting ready for Holy Week, as well as planning for Doug Torgerson’s funeral. Pastor Megan will be gone the week of May 20th-27th for continuing education. The service on May 26th will be a lay service. This is also the change of Sunday service time, with worship at 9:30 and coffee and fellowship at 10:30. Sunday school will be completed at the end of April. Breakfast club will continue into May. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth- Jenna and Ashley are doing a great job with Sunday school and a special thanks to them will be the last Sunday in April. Dan Cannon and Willis Chase are planning and handling the Easter breakfast with the youth. Organizations and Activities- Tables of Eight sign-up sheets will be available in May. Thanks to all who helped with Lenten soup and sandwich. Finance and Stewardship- no report Mission and Outreach-Back pack first week in May. A motion was given by Jeff to dedicate the money from the Lenten suppers to the back-pack program. Seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Personnel-no report Worship, Music and Arts- Council assistant for communion on Easter Sunday will be Greg for the early service and Brian for the late. Baptism for Huck James Swisher, son of Sam and Gabby Swisher, will be May 19th. There will be a meeting for the Ice Cream Social. A chair person still needs to be found. Properties- Brian will follow-up on the parsonage inspection. Tape needs to be put on the floor to mark the electrical boxes. Old business: Clean out storage rooms is ongoing Preparing for active shooter incident is on going Church fire alarm system is ongoing Funeral policy is now in place. A motion was made by Dave and Seconded by Brian to approve the new procedures and guidelines. Motion carried. Updating membership records is ongoing. Long term maintenance of stained glass windows is ongoing Candidate for Youth and family Ministry Position-Pastor Megan, Greg Jans, Jenna Tanner, Ashley Buer and Jeff Niedenthal met to update the job description for this position. Contact with a potential candidate, Margaret Salo, will now take place to set up an interview. Approximate wage of $15.00 an hour @ 10 hours per week with approximate mid June start date and Sunday attendance by potential candidate was discussed. Tables of eight sign-up sheets will be in May. TV Broadcast equipment update Trip to Minneapolis Institute of Art was a success. 27 people attended. New Business: Office Copier renewal of contract in April. A new or newer used printer will be leased. We currently pay about $190 per month. A motion was made by Brian and Seconded by Janelle to accept the new lease for an approximate amount of $203.00 per month. Motion carried. The copier will be leased through Metro Sales. Bible Camp Scholarships- Motion was made by Jeff and Seconded by Brian that the church would pay 75% of the tier one cost for attending camp and the participant would pay 25%. Motion carried. There will be other opportunities made available if the 25 percent cost for the participant is not financially possible. An approval was given for a traveler who is on foot for mission to pitch a tent for the night on church property. A motion was made by Brian and seconded by Jeff to give a $50.00 donation from the church for Windmill Days. Motion carried. There was no need for Executive session. Adjournment- Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:48pm, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson,Secretary Next meeting date is May 9th, 2019 May Council Assistant: Trinity Youth **Minutes Approved, May 9, 2019 Regular Church Council Meeting**
Trinity Lutheran Church
Regular Church Council Meeting - March 14th, 2019 Present: Pastor Megan Preston, Greg Jans, Jeff Niedenthal, Brian Weseman, David Martin, Gabby Swisher, Janelle Johnson Greg called the meeting to order at 7:04 Pastor Megan gave devotions A move to approve the agenda was given by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried 2019 Goals 1:1 Challenge- Jeff suggested asking “curious” questions and getting to know a new person at least once in the coming month. Talking about our faith and church will follow. Researching local hunger needs. Youth and Family Ministry Position Reports: Secretary Minutes of the February 14th meeting were reviewed and a move to approve was given by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried Treasurers: Not available as Sonia was absent, but looks on track according to the graphs Pastor: Pastor Megan began by stating that two services had to be cancelled in the past month due to bad weather. The Lenten season has begun. She has been to South Grove for visitation. She has met with other pastors in the conference and is now a board member of Meeker Area Ministries. She will be attending the first call for pastors retreat in Alexandria on March 24th-26th. Cost is $100.00. Pastor’s are considered to be first call for 3 years. Five children from the church will be attending a first communion retreat at Green Lake and will have their first communion during the Maundy Thursday service on April 18th. The Senior High Youth retreat is the first weekend in April at Alexandria. Expenses for Trinity’s youth who attend will be paid from the endowment fund per Brian. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth- Gabby stated she is getting back on board and will be meeting with Jenna and Ashley. Jeff is meeting with the youth for breakfast club on Sunday mornings. Organizations and Activities- Lenten soup and sandwich meals are set to go. Finance and Stewardship- no report. Mission and Outreach-no report. Personnel- will be discussed under new business Worship, Music, Arts- Greg talked with Mary to make sure she is doing well during her treatments and has the support she needs. Properties- Ryan Buer will do an analysis of the electrical at the church. It was discussed that there is a need to create a Safety and Security Committee for the church. Policies for an active shooter situation and storm procedures would be some of the issues addressed. There was discussion of possible committee members that could lend their areas of expertise to creating policies and procedures. Dave Martin will follow through on asking these people. Issues concerning the parsonage were discussed, including the need to straighten and repair the sidewalk that is tilting and uneven, insulation issues in the attic and weeping in between the house and garage. Brian will contact the lumberyard to discuss repairs and costs to correct the problems. Also, it was brought up that someone needs to contact Mike Peterson when church is cancelled so that he doesn’t come to plow the parking lot any earlier than need be. Old business: Clean out storage rooms is ongoing. Preparing for active shooter is ongoing as discussed earlier in committee reports Church fire alarm system. Ryan Buer will give electrical analysis Creating drivers list for church will be dropped because of no interest Funeral Policy-Mardelle and Dennis to meet with pastor to discuss Updating membership records is ongoing Long-term maintenance of stained-glass windows-they will be back at spring time to better assess what needs to be done. Front stained-glass window needs to be repacked also. Candidate for Youth and Family Ministry Position- Pastor talked with potential candidate on the phone but suggested we put together a committee to create a new job description for the position first. She will contact people to be part of the committee. TV broadcast- Dave Martin was in contact with the people who broadcast the tape and it was determined that the quality of the tape is fine although we may need some new gear to enhance production flexibility. Equipping Congregations Day- Greg attended the event and talked about the seminars he attended including caring for God’s water on the prairie and top 100 conversations. New Business: Council installation will be March 24th Tables of Eight Trip to Minneapolis Institute of Art will be March 31st Parsonage issues were discussed earlier in properties Executive session Adjournment- Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:24, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting is April 11, 2019 April Council Assistant: Trinity Youth ** Minutes approved at Regular Church Council Meeting on April 11, 2019 ** |
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