Present: Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Kyle Larsen, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston.
Richard Larson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Devotion: N/A Approval of Agenda: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve agenda. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve April 21st, 2022, council minutes. Motion carried. -No quorum for May 12th, 2022, meeting. Informational meeting only, no approval. Treasurer’s: -No Report due to system errors. Report will be distributed later. Pastor’s: -Intern Pastor Sarah Graduated Seminary. -No Quorum at Synod Assembly. Synod council will handle voting measures. -Meeker Area Ministries- Organization had been renting house, owner decided to sell. Attempt was made to receive a grant to purchase house. Grant was denied. Individual donated $210,000 to purchase house and do renovations. -Pastor will travel to Beckville to meet with coop churches, to discuss past and future plans. -Pastor Megan’s summer goals are to do in-person visits with people have not seen in a while. -Pastor will be gone July 5th to 11th for continuing education. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: -No Report Organizations and Activities: -In need of more volunteers for Coffee and Fellowship -Tables of 6. Will consult with Greg Jans Finance and Stewardship: -1st of 5 phases for SALT program will go out end of the week. They will be distributed both electronically and printed copies. Mission and Outreach: -Will discuss a date for Mission BBQ Personnel: No Report Worship, Music, and Art’s: -July 3rd worship service will be held at Beckville picnic grounds. Properties: -Extermination bid - $65.00/trip. There will be 4 trips made throughout the spring/summer/fall. -Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to accept and move forward with extermination bid. Motion carried. -Kyle will take care of tree trimming. -Claim has been made on roof due to hail. Waiting for Assessment, assessors are backlogged. -Received 2 bids for LED conversion for lights in church. Move to old business. Old Business: -Membership Records are still being worked on. -Emergency Plan is still being attended to by Joe Jans. -Evangelism Task Force. Good to see increased attendance to church. - Will follow up after SALT program. -Outdoor Signage. Locate wall mounted sign. Move to next month’s old business. -Committee Members. Continuing to contact possible future committee members. -Internet was down for a week last month. Upgraded wiring and modem. New Business: -Community Garden Proposal. Community Garden made possible by a grant for the synod Ask Council to use church fridges for food after harvested, until food can be delivered. -Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to advertise Trinity Lutheran on FFA t-shirts for $279. Motion carried. Executive Session: Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 9:2 p.m. and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, Secretary Next Meeting date July 14th, 2022 May Council Assistant: Jeff Niedenthal **Minutes approved on July 15, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
(Notes taken by Jeff Niedenthal, informational only - didn’t meet quorum no need for approval)
PRESENT: Pastor Megan, Kyle Larsen, Jake Bonstra, Dan Cannon, Jeff Niedenthal
ii.Discussed progress on planning for LED retrofit. iii.Jeff to provide Kyle with POC for insurance company yo look at church and parsonage for damage from recent hail. iv.Discussed pest control and questioned if contract called for rodent AND insects. Jeff to call Trudy. Questioned if contract covers the shed out back of the building, and if not should be extended to cover it. v.Becky reported mice in the office. See item iv above.
Present: Richard Larson, Joe Jans, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Kyle Larsen, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston.
Richard Larson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Devotion: Thoughts on Ukraine, and Ukrainian people. Keeping them in our prayers. Approval of Agenda: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Joe Jans to approve agenda. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve March 10th, 2022, council minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: -Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Chris Slinden to donate May coffee money to Grove City Rescues. Motion carried. -Motion made by Jake Boonstra, seconded by Willis Chase to approve Treasure’s Report. Motion carried. Pastor’s: -Lent & Easter Services were successful. Discussions at Lent services were also successful. -3 students received first communion on Maundy Thursday. -6 children received their bible’s. -Information will be sent out to current 9th/10th graders regarding First Lutheran’s MST trip, they participated in every 2 years. -Pastor will be taking some continuing education time from April 25th to May 2nd. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: -Easter Breakfast was attended by approximately 50 people and raised $600. Proceeds will go to the youth fund. -Adult Education will continue for 2-3 more weeks, then will take a few months off. Organizations and Activities: -Continue to have great volunteers for morning coffee and fellowship. -Lent meals were well staffed and well attended. Finance and Stewardship: -1st of 5 phases for SALT program will go out first week of May. They will be distributed both electronically and printed copies. Mission and Outreach: -Mission BBQ preparations are starting to be made. Personnel: -Motion was made by Jeff Niedenthal, seconded by Joe Jans to change verbiage to Secretary’s Job Description. New verbiage will be “44 hours of personal time off per year, remaining hours will not carry over to following year.” Will also add a line in Secretary’s Job Description for distributing Gas Cards in additional duties. Motion carried. -Council was presented an example of a questionnaire to present to the congregation, regarding their thoughts on Trinity Lutheran Church. Worship, Music, and Art’s: -Continuing to explore ways to improve training and communication for usher duties. Properties: -Shingles on the sanctuary and steeple will need to be replaced in the next few years. -Research different options for bat mitigation. -Organize a cleanup committee, to clean grounds and gutters. A tentative date of May 15th has been set. -Sacristy, shingles flew off allowing water damage. Create a plan to repair. -Back stairs for the emergency exit door need to be treated/stained. -Exit Lights need’s batteries. -Contact electrician for bid to have a LED conversion done in Trinity. Will follow up next month. Old Business: Membership Records: -Revisit Next Month Emergency Plan: -Joe Jans will investigate next step. Evangelism Task Force: -Proceed this summer and will build on discussions held at Lent services. New Business: Outdoor Signage: -New sign will be installed when weather provides. Discussion also held about obtaining a temporary outdoor sign for informing of certain days and events. 30th Anniversary Task Force: -Move to Old Business. Committee Members: - A growing need to reach out and find volunteers for committees. Endowment Committee: - Guidance from council to disperse funds. - Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Jeff Niedenthal to reinvest $10,000, and keep $5,000 in account. Motion carried. Executive Discussion: Richard Larson adjourned meeting at 9:23 p.m. and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Chris Slinden, Secretary Next Meeting date May 12th, 2022 May Council Assistant: Willis Chase **Minutes approved on July 15, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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