Present: Jeff Niedenthal, Jake Boonstra, Dave Martin, Chris Slinden, Janelle Johnson, Willis Chase, Pastor Megan Preston
Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:04pm Devotions: Janelle had devotions A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Chris and seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the May 13th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Jake. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Jeff mentioned to start watching expenses in some areas that are running ahead of last year and budget. We are still on target financially. A motion to approve the report was made by Willis and seconded by Jake. Motion carried Pastor’s: Worship services in May included two baptism’s and we also honored the graduates. Pastor Megan will be acting as an off-sight supervisor to a seminary student to a local church in need of a pastor for 1(year). Pastor Megan will be on vacation from June 19th-29th for a family wedding. One service during this time will be a lay service and the other will be lead by a pastor from the pulpit supply. Visits are increasing and Friendship Club at South Grove is set to resume soon. The ACGC FFA is having t-shirts made and asking area businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals for sponsorship logos to be advertised on them. Sponsorships are $279.00. A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Jeff to have Trinity included. Motion carried. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. VBS- looking at a day in August. Contacting committee members to help plan ii. Sunday School/Rally Day-First Sunday after Labor Day- plan committee meeting to plan out the year. Organizations and Activities: i. Tables of 8-Greg Jans is organizing ii. Coffee Fellowship-before service coffee time has resumed. Looking for volunteers to serve. Finance and Stewardship- analyzing the cost of colored copies that we are printing. Possibly looking at new printer. Jeff will talk to Becky on usage data. Also organizing new fall pledges drive. Missions and Outreach: i. Mission Auction-looking at dates, are we comfortable holding these events? ii. Mission BBQ- will focus on this event first, possible date of Tuesday, August 10th. Perhaps held indoor and outdoor iii. God’s Work our Hands- helping paint Ness Church is a possibility Personnel: i. Job Descriptions- Dave talked with both Becky and Mary to get input on updating their current job descriptions. Worship , Music, & Arts- July communion date 7/18, August dates 8/1 and 8/15. July 11,18 and 25th services will be outside. Simple and flexible to move indoors if need be. There will be four Wednesday night bonfire/church services between Watercade and the county fair at the Ripley campgrounds. The new paraments have been dedicated and the purple paraments are planned to be replaced next. Properties: i. Painting the altar- still pending ii. Parsonage Walk Through- needs to be scheduled Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Membership Records-Sonia working on Outdoor Sign-left dimensions with the DOT, will need a permit, the city goes to the county for approval. Attach a formal letter and submit a drawing for permit to county. Party to Rival all Parties- Jeff laid out an outline of things needed, more planning to come. Living Nativity with First Baptist- planned for December 2021. New Business: Co-op Churches-growing with more group events planned Executive Session: Jeff adjourned the meeting 8:35pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date July 8th, 2021 July Council Assistant: Janelle Johnson **Minutes approved on July 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
Present: Dave Martin, Chris Slinden, Jake Boonstra, Willis Chase, Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Janelle Johnson
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm Devotions: Dave Martin read a piece called “The Gift of Hope” for devotions A motion to approve the agenda was made by Willis and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the March 11th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Jake. Motion carried. Minutes from the April 8th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: On target financially with last year and with prepaid amounts taken into consideration. A motion to void check #1416 and reissue a new check to Mary Bolek was made by Jeff and seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Insurance payment questions were discussed as needed. A motion to approve both the March and April reports was made by Willis and seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan was at home on quarantine and joined us via zoom. The joint confirmation class will take its final field trip to a “non-profit and ministry farm” near Hutchinson. More visitations are being conducted since being vaccinated, zoom meetings continue as well. Trinity delegates, Greg and Nikki Jans, are self registered for the Synod conference this year which will take place all via zoom over two weekends. A new Bishop will be elected. We are still working with the other Litchfield area churches. Baccalaureate is planned for the ACGC school graduates. There will be two Baptism’s this month. The name changes on our bank accountants have been completed per Jeff. Richard needs to sign. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. VBS- looking at a day long event sometime in August. Will contact committee members to help plan. ii. Sunday School/ Rally Day- First Sunday after Labor Day- plan committee meeting to plan out the year. Organizations and Activities: i. Tables of 8- Greg Jans in charge of planning and organizing Fellowship and coffee before church services starting in June. May 30th worship service with other churches at the fairgrounds with Trinity serving coffee and treats after. Finance and Stewardship: Looking at Synod information on the topics of Resourceful servants and Improving Financial Wellness. Mission and Outreach: i. South Grove Clean-up- went well, God’s work our hands Sunday planned for September 12th ii. Mission Auction- talk about in June iii. Mission BBQ- talk about in June Personnel: i. Job Descriptions- copies handed out to council members Worship, Music and Arts: Communion dates as follows: 5/2, 5/16, 5/23/, 6/6, 6/20, 7/18, 8/1, 8/15. Graduates honored on May 23rd, two baptisms in May. Make arrangements to get the new eternal candle installed. June 6th date to dedicate paraments during church service. July 4th Sunday service at 8:30am at the Beckville church picnic grounds. Properties: i. Painting the altar- spindles for the altar repair to be made of a resin composite. Willis showed a sample. ii. Parsonage Walk Through - plan a date Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Review COVID-19 Prepardness Plan -Coffee and Fellowship-go ahead for June 6th - Building Use- 10am Worship services, We’re open!! Membership Records-N/A Outdoor Sign- templates of possible design handed out, approximate cost $12,000.00, cement work foundation and site prep approximate cost $5000.00. Will the project need to be permitted and inspected? Party to Rival all Parties- Jeff handed out a draft plan of the event. Further planning to be discussed. Lion’s Den Coffee Shop- Jeff talked about a possible location at Jason McCoy’s property, the old garden of eating location. Living Nativity with First Baptist(December 2021)- working on planning New Business: ACGC Teacher and Staff Appreciation- already done, money to fund event for $250.00 motion made by Dave and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Open Doors Grant- ELCA special project to engage new people. More info to follow Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 9:07pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date: June 10th, 2021 June Council Assistant: Janelle Johnson **Minutes approved on June 10, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl |
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