Present: Greg Jans, Richard Larson, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, David Martin, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston.
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:06pm Devotions: Jeff read a piece on “Leaders” Agenda approved as presented by Richard, seconded by Jeff. Motion carried Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the September 10th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Treasurer’s We’re holding our own. Revenues down a bit. We received $860.00 in memorial donations that were earmarked for the General Fund. Our office expenses were higher due to the yearly payments for the church management software and our computer support contract. The August Synod donation and Pastor Megan’s August benefits payment were both paid in September. Paperwork will be submitted this month to get the PPP loan converted to a grant. The bank has changed its name and website address. It’s Grove Bank and the website is Pastor’s We have moved back inside for worship. Confirmation will be in partnership with other local churches and consist of zoom calls and others in the business community will also participate to discuss their contributions and expertise in their chosen areas. We need to take a closer look at our long-term goal of live streaming worship services effectively. Questions to consider: What do we need?, Who do we need?, What will the overall product look like? Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Twice a month take home bags for Sunday School will be available. Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: Remember Green Lake Missions & Outreach: Collecting back-pack program donations Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, & Arts: There will be no Thanksgiving eve coffee and pie and no Advent soup and sandwich this year Properties: Brian W. will not be able to paint the altar. We will need to find an alternative and the spindle tops on the altar will be repaired and replaced as needed. Other committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on going Emergency Plan- on hold Outdoor Sign- Richard and Jeff will form a committee and do a temple talk on exploring the options to replace the outdoor sign that was destroyed earlier this year. New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan: updated as needed and posted in the entryway Building use guidelines: Guidelines document completed. ***A motion to allow outside events at the fellowship hall with agreement that the guidelines provided will be followed was made by Richard and seconded by Sonia. Motion carried. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:50pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting: November 12, 2020 November Council Assistant: Richard Larson **Minutes approved on November 12, 2020 Regular Council Meeting**
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