Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Meeting-October 10th, 2019
Present: Greg Jans, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, Brian Weseman, Gabby Swisher, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston Greg called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm Devotions: Gabby Swisher A motion to approve the agenda was given by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. A video presentation from Luther Seminary was viewed. The topic discussed was, What’s really causing church decline and what can we do about it? Some key points included: 1: We live in a culture where it’s hard to be lead by God 2: What’s distinctive about being a Christian? 3: Can you name a person you know who has a fulfilled life without any spiritual involvement? Core Challenges: 1: We’re not as aware of God in our everyday life. 2: Confused about our Christian identity 3: Confused about how to read the Bible 4: The need to re-root ourselves in Christian legacy practices. There’s a need for the church to help people create spiritual meanings in their lives and for the process to be spoken in a language that people can understand. The process will need to be trial and error until a method is proven to work. It doesn’t mean everything the church does needs to be changed, but rather, we need to make things more understandable as they are. 1:1 Challenge 2019 Goals 1: Researching local hunger needs 2: Stream Worship Services 3: Youth and Family Ministry Position Reports: Secretary Minutes from the September 12th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: After reviewing the report a motion to approve was made by Jeff and Seconded by Brian. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan is back in full swing! There will be four youth confirmed this year in October. There was a funeral service for Jackie DeRudder, also in October. Pastor will be attending the Fall Theological Conference at Luther Seminary. She has been doing visits. A Potluck dinner is planned for November 17th to welcome our new members and persons who have been coming to church who have yet to join. A motion was made by Jeff and Seconded by Brian to move the $300.00 previously approved for youth to go to the Renaissance, to use for the junior high youth gathering. Each student attending will only be charged $25.00. Motion carried. Fidgety Fairy Tales performance will be at the church on October 26th. Performance at 7:00pm with pizza served before at 6:30pm. All our welcome! The month of March is set for Project Hope Backpacks. Look for more information to come. The Family Fare goal has been met. It was discussed and agreed by the council to approve a special offering for a family in need. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Gabby reached out to Jenna and Ashley and Sunday School is going well with 20 or so youth attending. There will be no breakfast club this year. We will not be doing operation Christmas child this year, but rather ELCA Good Gifts. Organizations and Activities: Planning for Advent soup and sandwiches and also Thanksgiving eve pie. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission and Outreach Ministry: N/A Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, Arts: Three months of planning are complete Properties: Looking at possible leak in church roof. Will recontact Dave Pautzke about sanding the drywall in the parsonage. Old Business: Clean out storage rooms-committee together Updating membership records-on going Long term maintenance on stained glass windows- storm windows damaged not the stained glass windows themselves. New Business: Cosmos learning center looking for donations No need for executive session Adjournment: Greg adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm, and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is November 14th, 2019 November Council Assistant: Sonia Liedman **Minutes Approved November 14, 2019 Regular Council meeting**
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