Present: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, David Martin, Jeff Niedenthal, Chris Slinden, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston.
Richard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm A motion to approve the agenda was made by Willis and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried Reports: Secretary’s: Minutes from the November 11th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and after an amendment to change the language that the parsonage eaves will use spinning vents and not spray foam insulation, a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Motion to approve by Chris and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Budget discussion and approval will be moved to New Business Pastor’s: Pastor Megan has been busy with several funerals and visiting members with major health issues. Also, a surprise wedding and lots of family situations. Will carry over to 2022 the continuing education day previously scheduled. The co-op ministry, with the Litchfield and other churches, Trinity will no longer participate after we fulfill our January commitment. The other churches will continue to broadcast. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: i. Sunday School-Continuing with 4-12 year olds meeting together as a group. Going well! Janelle and Gwen are leaders. ii. Christmas Program- Set for Sunday, December 12th during worship service. Theme is Happy Birthday Jesus! iii. Living Nativity- Trinity Sunday school youth will join with The First Baptist Church youth and Victory Fellowship Youth to form a bell choir to sing on both nights of the Nativity. Other youth will also have parts in the presentation of the Nativity. Very excited to work with the other churches to bring the story of Jesus’ birth to life. iv. Adult Education-Jeff continues to lead on Sunday mornings at 9:00am Organizations and Activities (Fellowship): i. Coffee and Fellowship-Sunday mornings at 9:00am before church. Need volunteers to serve! ii. Pie on November 21st- served before church, no thanksgiving eve service this year. iii. Wednesday Advent Meals-scheduled for 3 dates. iv. Potluck following Annual Meeting-tentatively scheduled Finance and Stewardship- i. SALT project- 3 mailings will be sent to members with the first starting in early January. Missions and Outreach- planning for food shelf month in March Personnel: i. Job Descriptions-updated personnel job descriptions to be reviewed and discussed at the January council meeting. A 4% compensation increase for staff recommended by Dave and seconded by Jeff. Worship, Music, Arts- December communion dates 12/5, 12/19, 12/24. January communion dates 1/9 (Epiphany), and 1/16. Christmas Eve worship (12/24 Friday at 4 pm) Pastor will be gone first Sunday in January 2nd- no communion Looking ahead, Ash Wednesday is 3/2 and Easter is 4/17. Properties: i. Parsonage walk-through- complete ii. Snow removal-discussion on budget amount. Old Business: Membership Records- on-going to start in February Outdoor sign-on-going, electrical done, project done in next 60 days. True Compass Counseling-contract complete, Kristle has key. New Business: Co-op Ministry-Trinity will not participate after our commitment is finished the end of January. Evangelism-discussion on how we welcome people at our church. Annual Report- reports due from committees Emergency Plan- storms, fire, active shooting. Discussion on planning and implementation of plan that was put on hold when COVID arrived. Budget-increase of 4% to compensation of employees, add $1500.00 for snow removal to budget. Special council meeting to be held on Sunday, December 12th, 2021 after church service to approve 2022 budget after changes are made as listed. Executive Session: Richard adjourned the meeting at 8:55pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date January 13th, 2022 January Council Assistant: Chris Slinden ***************** Special Church Council Meeting, Sunday, December 12th, 2021 Present: Richard Larson, Janelle Johnson, Dan Cannon, Chris Slinden, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Pastor Megan Preston Richard called the meeting to order at 10:55am Advent soup and sandwich monies to go to the food shelf. Motion by Jeff seconded by Chris. Motion carried. Changes as requested were made to the 2022 budget. After review and discussion, a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Dan. Motion carried. Richard adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am. **Minutes approved on February 10, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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