Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Minutes Tuesday August 13th, 2024, at 6:30 pm9/26/2024 PRESENT: Melissa, Jake, Joe, Willis, Kyle, Sonia, Pam
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa called meeting to order at 6:50 pm. FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they’ve seen God this past month. Special congregational meeting August 11th, 2024 There was a quorum present called to order by Melissa Bergstrom. Dennis Brown, thanked all the call committee Rosie Dilly, Susie Laabs, Dennis Brown, Jeff Niedenthal, Kari Slinden, Mike Buer Ballots were handed out and then collected for counting and passed. Our new minister will be Donna Putney Jeff made a motion to adjourn Willis seconded it. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Pam second by Sonia to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Update on the congregational profile have to add in take me to motion to approve it and Joe second it. REPORTS: Secretary: Motion made by Pam Seconded by Sonia to approve. Motion carried. Treasurer: Sonia went over the expense report today. Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Joe second by Kyle. Pastor’s report. N/A COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: Willis reported on the summer 2025 mission trip. Youth chose three different locations and GLBC will decide what city it will be. Sunday School will start the first Sunday of October. CONFIRMATION: Organizations and Activities: The Antique Car run was good turnout. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission Outreach Ministry: Mission BBQ Tuesday 5:30 to 7:30 pm proceeds go to Fire and Rescue of Grove City. Personnel: going to try to set up another review with Becky. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: One more co-op service left Optimist Park Field in Litchfield September 1st Blessing of animals October 6th PROPERTIES: there was a motion made to put two new air conditioners in for $15,500 by Kyle second by Pam. Council is going to go over to get some ideas so Kyle can get some Prints to show the congregation. Fall clean up tentatively scheduled for October 27th ENDOWMENT COMM. No Report. OLD BUSINESS: Bonfire has Beer and Hymns, September 22nd 4:30 pm. NEW business: went through Pastor Donna’s compensation package Kyle made a motion Willis second it. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER Motion made by Willis seconded by Pam to adjourn meetings. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 9:45 pm NEXT MEETING: September 10th, 2024 at 6:30 pm September COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Melissa Bergstrom **Minutes Approved on September 10, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl
On June 25th the church council conducted a special meeting via email to approve the congregational profile forwarded by the Call Committee. A motion was made by Melissa Bergstrom to approve the congregational profile and seconded by Jake Boonstra. The remaining council members approved the profile via email. (Melissa Bergstrom, Council President)
PRESENT: Melissa, Joe, Chris, Willis, Kyle, Pastor Donna CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa called meeting to order at 6:32 pm FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they’ve Seen God this past month APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Willis second by Chris to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS: adding in from June’s. Special meeting via, congregational profile 100% approval. Secretary: Motion made by Willis, seconded by Kyle to approve June 2024 minutes. Motion carried. Treasury: N/A PASTOR: installation of call members is July 14th Talk to Trinity Visitors group to give communion to shut-ins. Willis and Jeff and pastor Donna are going to have a meeting about confirmation. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: going to try to set up a meeting for a mission trip. CONFIRMATION: No Report Sunday School: Organizations and Activities: Antique Car Run Saturday August 10th 8:00 a.m. serving coffee and donuts. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission Outreach Ministry: have date for Mission Auction will be Tuesday August 20th. Personal: talked about the accompanists pay. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: working with the Co-Op services PROPERTIES: going to work on the balcony railing upstairs. Looking to move a tree so it does not hurt anybody. Going to start working on the shingling of the church. ENDOWMENT COMM: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: working on communion cards. Melissa has a spreadsheet made is entering them. Live stream is going well might have to upgrade some equipment. NEW BUISINESS: Friday August 16th as part of Grove City Windmill Days - Lions Club will have their fun bingo night at Trinity 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CARE program will be selling popcorn and beverages. Kyle made a motion and Chris seconded it to extend pastor Donna’s internship until there was a new minister to hired. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER: Motion made by Kyle seconded by Chris to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 8:15 pm NEXT MEETING: August 13th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. JULY COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Jake Boonstra Submitted by Joe Jans – Council Secretary **Minutes Approved on August 13, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl PRESENT: Melissa, Jake, Joe, Willis, Kyle, Pastor Donna
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa called meeting to order at 6:46 pm FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have Seen God this past month. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Willis second by Kyle to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Speaker: Jeff updated on the transition team of how it’s going with the surveys. REPORTS: Secretary: Motion made by Jake Seconded by Kyle to approve May 2024 minutes. Motion carried. Treasury: Sonia was absent, she gave us a report my overview of that motion to accept treasurer’s report by Joe second by Kyle. PASTOR: vacation June 21st through July 1st Jeff’s not going to teach confirmation. Make sure people tell Becky in the office of when the church is getting used so she can market on the calendar. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: Willis reported how good a turnout Bible school was. CONFIRMATION: No Report Sunday School: Organizations and Activities: Had a good turnout at the park for Co-Op service. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission Outreach Ministry: working on the mission BBQ. Personal: going to touch base with the janitors on special events to see how they want to work that. Going to work on hiring pianist. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: working with the co-op services PROPERTIES: going to work on the balcony upstairs. Looking to move a tree so it does not hurt anybody. Going to start working on the shingling of the church. ENDOWMENT COMM.: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: working on communion cards. Live stream is going well might have to upgrade some equipment. NEW BUISINESS: advertisement on a Sunday morning choir director and pianist. Loose cash for May 26th service going to Hendrickson’s benefit. Kyle made a motion to prove that Jake’s seconded it. Railing going up to the balcony. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER Motion made by Willis seconded by Jake to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. NEXT MEETING: July 9th 2024 at 6:30 pm. JULY COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Melissa Bergstrom Submitted by Joe Jans **Minutes Approved on July 9, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl PRESENT: Melissa, Sonia, Jake, Chris, Joe, Willis, Pam
CALL TO ORDER president Melissa called meeting to order at 6:40 pm FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have Seen God this past month APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Chris second by Pam to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS: Secretary: Motion made by Willis Seconded by Sonia to approve April 9, 2024 minutes. Motion carried. Treasury: Seen Monthly General Fund. 14000 in the parsonage. PASTOR: Working on continuing Ed., working on livestreaming Trinity’s worship, still working on visiting yet. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Christian ED and Youth: Gwen paid for camping, bible school is going to be at Trinity June 3 and 4, Willis has contacted with Pr. Sara from Cosmos for mission trip. CONFIRMATION: No Report Sunday School: Organizations and Activities: Coffee and Fellowship: coffee and cookies, water Jake has it line up for park Finance and Stewardship: Looking into a card reader Mission Outreach Ministry: no report Personnel: Talk about Mary salary WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: PROPERTIES: No Report ENDOWMENT COMM. No Report. OLD BUSINESS: working on communion cards. NEW BUISINESS: AA meeting new contact persons: Joe and Chris. Looking into training about awareness of SPAM/PHISHING calls/emails, Pam going to look into that. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER: Motion made by Willis seconded by Sonia to adjourn meetings. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 8:15 pm NEXT MEETING: Wednesday (do to schedule conflicts), June 12, 2024 @ 6:30 pm JUNE COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Joe Jans Submitted by Joe Jans **Minutes Approved on June 12, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Willis Chase, Pam Bagley, and Pastor Donna Putney.
-CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:43pm -FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Willis Chase, seconded by Sonia Liedman to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS -SECRETARY: Joe Jans i. Minutes from March 14th, 2024: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve March 2024 Minutes. Motion carried. -TREASURY: Sonia Liedman $4,020 has been donated to Parsonage Project, to date. Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. -PASTOR: Donna Putney - $25,000 of Pastor’s salary will be allocated to housing allowance for 2024. -Coop summer worship services will be Sunday May 26th, 10:45 am @ Windmill Park/Grove City. Sunday June 30th, 10:45 am @ Beckville Lutheran Church Picnic. Sunday August 4th, 10:45 am @ Meeker County Fairgrounds (specific location TBD). Sunday September 1st, 10:45 am @ Optimist Baseball Field/Litchfield. -Possible Baptisms: Brooklyn and Richard Underhill, grown children of Richard and Connie Underhill. -Baptism of Livy Swisher, held May 5th, 2024. -Pastor has conducted several home visits with members of the congregation. -Crow River Conference meeting Friday, April 20th, 2024 @ Jomas Hills Winery -Pastor will be assisting with the planning for the May 26th worship service in the park with Pastor Mark form Zion. - Jim Curry, Richard Larson, and Andrea Dallmann were mentioned as possible Lay Leaders for when Pastor is absent. -Pastor’s mileage will be turned in on August 16th (last day of interim contract). COMMITTEE REPORTS -Christian Education and Youth: Willis Chase -Donations & Action cards were used to purchase all the food for the Easter Breakfast. Served 86 people. -Last day of Sunday School will be April 28th. -Planning VBS, most likely will be in conjunction with Forest City Stockade. -Organizations and Activities: Jake Boonstra i. Memorial Day Service in Park: Plan for refreshments. -Finance and Stewardship: Sonia Liedman N/A -Mission & Outreach Ministry: Chris Slinden -Funds were raised for a successful Backpack Program. Extra funds on the Action card used to purchase food for the Food Shelf. -Personnel: Joe Jans i. Annual Reviews: No Report. Joe was absent. -Worship, Music, and Arts: Pam Bagley i. Co-op Service: – Memorial Day Weekend, Windmill Park @ 10:45 am. 1. Additional Coop Services: Discussions to hold regular church services at Trinity Lutheran Church on same date as other Coop services. ii. Java for Jesus Services: Possibly the 1st Sunday of the month, for three months. -Properties: Kyle Larsen i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: No report. ii. Parsonage – Renting: No report. iii. Church Roof: Plans are in motion to complete. iv. Handicap Accessibility: Discussions on making Trinity a more handicap accessible venue. -Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: -Organist/Pianist Supply: Finding substitutes is very difficult, continue to explore different ways of filing position. Motion was made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve up to $125 per time for substitute organ/pianist. Motion carried. -Membership List: Discussions on using Communion & Guest cards to help with creating a current membership list. -Livestreaming Services: Continuing to discover and try new ways to stream services. NEW BUSINESS: -Updating names on various church bank accounts: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, second by Willis Chase to approve name changes on church bank accounts. Motion carried. Remove Daniel Cannon from Trinity Youth Account. Remove Daniel Cannon & Samantha Anderson, add Willis & Gwen Chase to Camp Fund. Remove Nancy Boreen from Library Fund. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Pam Bagley, seconded by Jake Boonstra to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. February Council Assistant: Jake Boonstra Chris Slinden **Minutes Approved on May 14, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl PRESENT: Melissa, Sonia, Jake, Chris, Kyle, Joe, Willis, Pam
CALL TO ORDER president Melissa called meeting to order at 6:38 FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they Seen God this past month. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Kyle second by Pam to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS: Secretary: Motion made by Jake Seconded by Pam to approve March 2024 minutes. Motion carried. Treasury: Seen Monthly General Fund. PASTOR: Working with confirmation kids, and visitor list, good fraidy COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: CONFIRMATION: No Report Sunday School: Working on Easter Breakfast, Easter egg hunt, Baked potato bar, on April 21st first communion for kids. Organizations and Activities: Coffee and Fellowship: Lent services sign up sheets are fulling up nice. Finance and Stewardship: No Report. Mission Outreach Ministry: Back program still receiving donations. Personal: Still working reviews. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: Found a pianist for Easter and Palm Sunday. PROPERTICS: Personage started a fund drive to raise money. Window in the fellowship is done. Going to start with shingles on the rest of church. ENDOWMENT COMM: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: n/a NEW BUISINESS: Pianist for one for two Sunday and to raise up pay for pianist and was approved by Pam second by Sonia. ADJOURNMENT &LORDS PRAYER: Motion made by Willis seconded by Pam to adjourn meetings. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 8:10 NEXT MEETING: APRIL 9TH 2024 @630 APRIL COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Sonia Minutes submitted by Joe Jans **Minutes Approved on April 9, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans, Willis Chase, Pam Bagley, and Pastor Donna Putney.
-CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:34pm -FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS -SECRETARY: i. Minutes from January 9th, 2024: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve January 2024 Minutes. Motion carried. ii. 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to approve 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes. Motion carried. -TREASURY: Motion made by Willis Chase, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. -PASTOR: Pastor Donna is getting acclimated. Planning Lent services. COMMITTEE REPORTS -Christian Education and Youth: i. Confirmation: No Report ii. Sunday School: 2/18-meeting to plan baked potato lunch. 2/25-Sunday school will be singing in church, also will be having pizza and bowling. 3/17-hosting baked potato bar with free will donation. 3/24-Sunday schoolers will be singing in church, and bible’s will be given to 3yr olds and 3rd graders. 3/24-Prep for Easter Breakfast, with egg hunt to follow. Easter Breakfast will be from 8:30-9:30am. 4/21-First Communion. 4/28-last day of Sunday School. -Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: Lent Service’s sign-up sheet available. The council will host First lent service. -Finance and Stewardship: Purchased a new PC for Pastor Donna. Trinity will be transitioning to a new email address. -Mission & Outreach Ministry: Backpack Program has been receiving donations. -Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Will be meeting with Personnel Committee. -Worship, Music, and Arts: Music will be streamed for midweek services. The council installment will be held on Easter Sunday. -Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: No report. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Waiting to be completed. iii. Parsonage – Renting: No report. iv. Snow Plowing: Hopefully on hold until next winter. -Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: N/A NEW BUSINESS: -Pastor Donna-Hourly Wage: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded Joe Jans to approve Pastor Donna’s hourly wage of $40/hour until paperwork is completed to move to benefits package. Motion carried. -Pastor Donna-Interim (6 months) wage & benefit package: Completing paperwork. -Council Retreat: Council will get together on March 7th, 2024. -Organist/Pianist supply and wages: Discussions on finding and paying part time fill ins. -Transition Team: Talking and asking congregation members to be part of our Transition Team. Training will be held on February 29th by Zoom. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21pm. Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. February Council Assistant: Joe Jans Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes Approved on March 12, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 10:58 a.m.
I. Devotion: Pastor Donna Putney lead the “Open Liturgy”. II. Declaration of Quorum and Appointment of Election Tellers: Jim Curry appointed as Election Teller. Quorum declared by President Melissa Bergstrom. III. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal & seconded by Allan Knutson to approve agenda. Motion carried. IV. Elections: A. Report of the Nominating Committee: No Report. B. Nominations from the Floor: Jeff Niedenthal volunteers to be a Delegate to Green Lake Annual Meeting. Allan Knutson volunteers for the Nominating Committee. C. Balloting: Motion made by Allan Knutson & seconded by Jim Curry to cast unanimous ballot as written. Motion carried. VI. Council Reports: A. Presidents Report: Melissa Bergstrom added attendance is up to her report. B. Treasurer’s Report: Sonia Liedman provided an overview of the current finance situation of Trinity Lutheran Church. C. Christian Education and Youth Committee: No Report. D. Mission and Outreach Committee: Chris Slinden reported verbally to the congregation. E. Worship, Music, and Arts Committee: Report in Annual Report F. Finance and Stewardship Committee: No Report. G. Church Properties Committee: Kyle Larsen verbally reported on the work that has been done, and options to spend remaining insurance monies. H. Personnel Committee: Report in Annual Report I. Organizations and Activities: No Report. VII. Reports, Groups, and Organizations: A. Endowment Fund: Report in Annual Report. B. Woman of the ELCA: Report in Annual Report. C. Green Lake Lutheran Ministries: Report in Annual Report. D. Scholarship Committee: No Report. E. Library Committee: Report in Annual Report. F. Heritage Committee: Report in Annual Report. G. Knotty Quilters: Report in Annual Report. H. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Report in Annual Report. VIII. Auditor’s Report: Report in Annual Report. IX. Election Results: No re-balloting. X. Old Business: No Old Business. XI. New Business: A. Approval of Budget for 2024: Motion made by Jeff Niedenthal & seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve 2024 budget. Motion carried. B. Other: None C. Be it resolved that “We Trinity Lutheran Church, thank and recognize the outgoing Church Council Members: Dan Cannon.” D. Be it resolved that “We give a special thank-you to Pastor Megan and staff for their faithful ministry among us during the past year.” E. Be it resolved that “Permission be given to the Church Council to approve the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting at the February Council meeting.” VII. Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Rosemary Dilley & seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn 2023 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Table Prayer. Meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Chris Slinden, acting secretary. **Minutes Approved on February 13, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans, Willis Chase
-Dennis Brown- Back-Pack Program: Program will be moving to a voucher program. Will be supplying 15 students with (2) $30 vouchers in the month of April 2024. -Pastor Donna Putney: Pastor spent time visiting with council members. -CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:43pm -FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS -SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded Kyle Larsen to approve December 2023 minutes. Motion carried. -TREASURY: No report. COMMITTEE REPORTS -Christian Education and Youth: i. Confirmation: No Report ii. Sunday School: 11 families participated in the Christmas Program. Will continue light and water theme until the end of April. Planning family and group events for spring. Easter egg hunt will take place before church service on Easter. Promote first communion class at Green Lake Bible Camp. -Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Jake Boonstra to donate January, February, April coffee and fellowship donations to Cemetery Association. March donations will go to the Food Shelf. Motion carried. -Finance and Stewardship: Giving offering by text is working. -Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. Mission Auction: Event has been cancelled. Looking at other options. -Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: In process with Parish Secretary. Will be meeting with Mary & Janitors. -Worship, Music, and Arts: Meeting on January 23rd to plan Lent Services. There will be 5 Wednesday services in Lent. -Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Has bids, not ready to present to council. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Will be getting completed. iii. Parsonage – Renting: Continuing discussions. iv. Snow Plowing: Looking for options. -Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: N/A NEW BUSINESS: Annual meeting will be held January 28th, 2024. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Chris Slinden and seconded by Kyle Larsen to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. February Council Assistant: Kyle Larsen Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes Approved on February 13, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Jake Boonstra, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans
-CALL TO ORDER: Vice-President Kyle Larsen called meeting to order at 6:47 pm. -Richard Larson attended to provide update and ask council for guidance of Endowment Fund. -FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS -SECRETARY: Motion made by Melissa Bergstrom, seconded Chris Slinden to approve November 2023 minutes. Motion carried. -TREASURY: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS -Christian Education and Youth: i. Confirmation: Finish mailing out Certificates. -Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: 1. Sept-December 2023 Coffee Money Designations: Motion made By Jake Boonstra, seconded by Chris Slinden to donate September through December 2023 coffee money to UCAP towards best use. Motion carried. -Finance and Stewardship: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to approve 2024 Budget. Motion carried. -Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. BackPack Hub: Council accepts being the “Grove City Hub” for program. ii. KLFD Holiday Music and Announcements: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Joe Jans to advertise with KLFD for $139 for advertising. Motion carried. iii. Monthly Radio Service-sponsorships: Tabled -Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: N/A -Worship, Music, and Arts: Services planned for December, Christmas, Wednesday Advent services. The last service in December and 1st service in January will be lay led. Pastor Donna is scheduled for 3 services in January. -Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Will have bids for next month. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Will be getting completed. iii. Parsonage – Renting: Continuing discussions. iv. Snow Plowing: Checking with City. v. Signs: Options of notifications signs were presented to council. -Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS -Grove City Lion’s “Light up the Park”: Group will be setting up Trinity’s portion. NEW BUSINESS Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Chris Slinden and seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. January Council Assistant: Melissa Bergstrom Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes Approved on January 9, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl |
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