Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Chris Slinden, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:43pm FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they have “Seen God” this past month. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Willis Chase to approve September 2023 minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education and Youth: i. Confirmation: A total of 11 confirmation students attended first meeting. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: 1. Sept-December 2023 Coffee Money Designations: Tabled to next month. Finance and Stewardship: Jeff Niedenthal and Richard Larson have met to organize an “Estate Planning” workshop. Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. God’s Work Our Hands: In conjunction with properties committee, members will clean, and organize parsonage. Pizzas will be provided for lunch at the parsonage. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Review is scheduled with Parish Secretary. Joe will be scheduling reviews with Mary & Custodians. Worship, Music, and Arts: ii. Updating Guidelines-ushers, altar guards, lectors, communion assistants, council assistant: Tabled until next month. Randa Larson will be committee leader. Melissa will take minutes for meetings. Committee job description is being created. List for lectors, ushers, and altar guild will be updated and sent out. Randa & Randy will order flowers. Properties: i. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Have not received Bid’s. ii. Fellowship Hall Window: Checking with new company. iii. Parsonage – walk thru: Will be doing clean up and will assess issues with property for future fixing on Oct 15th. iv. Snow Plowing: looking into snow plowing bids for the winter. Kyle is checking into putting lock box’s outside church for entrance to certain members who do not have keys. Endowment Committee: No Report. OLD BUSINESS Estate Planning Workshop: Jeff Niedenthal and Richard Larson are planning. Streaming Worship: No Report Mission & Vision Statements: Table to later date. COOP Meeting: Committee members will be meeting with members of Church Coop on October 26th, to determine if it’s a good fit for Trinity Lutheran. Hiring Pulpit Supply to visit Members of the Congregation: Table to November. Updating Committee Descriptions and Committee Members: Council members will review and updating current Committee Descriptions. Also add or remove any committee members. NEW BUSINESS Survey to Congregation: Council will locate and review a good working survey to pass on to congregation. Pastoral Support: No Discussion. Grove City Lion’s Light Up the Park: Preparations are being made. Event will start a week before Christmas and run through New Years. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Chris Slinden and seconded by Joe Jans to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. November Council Assistant: Chris Slinden Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes Approved on November 14, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl
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