Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Meeting-February 20th, 2020
Present: Greg Jans, Gabby Swisher, Janelle Johnson, Sonia Liedman, Jeff Niedenthal, Dave Martin, Willis Chase, Pastor Megan Preston. Greg called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm No devotions Organizational meeting: Executive Committee Positions: President: Greg Jans, Vice President: Richard Larson, Treasurer: Sonia Liedman, Secretary: Janelle Johnson Committee Liaisons: Christian Education and Youth: Gabby Swisher Properties: Greg Jans Organizations and Activities: Janelle Johnson and Dave Martin Finance and Stewardship: Sonia Liedman Mission and Outreach: Richard Larson Personnel: Jeff Niedenthal Worship, Music, Arts: Willis Chase Monthly Council Assistants: March, April, May: Confirmation and Youth, June: Gabby Swisher, July: Dave Martin, August: Janelle Johnson, September: Sonia Liedman, October: Jeff Niedenthal, November: Richard Larson, December: Willis Chase, January 2021: Greg Jans, February 2021: GabbySwisher. A motion to approve as presented was given by Dave and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Additions to the agenda as presented: Lucas Device to new business. Agenda approved. Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the January 9th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Dave and seconded by Gabby. Motion carried. Minutes from the annual meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Sonia and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Our regular envelope offering was almost double our expected amount in January! We’re off to a good start. Last year we received $20,000.00 in prepaid 2021 contributions. Those have been moved into the savings account and identified as a 2021 liability on the books. We have changed insurance companies and will be paying our premiums on a monthly basis via auto-pay The money raised from the Mission Auction was $3647.00 and it was sent to the Synod. The Sunday School will be giving some money to the backpack program. Checking on interest rates on CD’s versus money market account. After a review of the financial statements and graphs a move to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Willis and Seconded by Gabby. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan commented on Worship services and visits she has been making. She was covering for Pastor Mindy, while Mindy was on vacation, on a need to basis. She completed her 3 Years of new pastor required meetings and helped with the planning for upcoming new pastors. She attended a group meeting where the conversation was on child care in Meeker county and what can be done to increase the availability of childcare providers. More on this subject to come. Over 20 kids and their parents attended the gathering at the Amaze n Farmyard in February. Great time! Pastor Megan is preparing for Lent and Easter. Pastor Megan will be the on-site minister at Green Lake Bible camp in June for a week. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Sunday School back in full swing after Christmas break. Organizations & Activities: Planning Lenten soup and sandwich suppers Finance & Stewardship: N/A Missions & Outreach Ministry: Dennis Brown is coordinating the Backpack Program for March. Donations have been good Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, & Arts: Make own Liturgy during Lent and Easter season. A motion was made by Willis and seconded by Janelle to give approval to the Worship committee to purchase a new eternal worship light for the sanctuary. Motion carried. The graduates will be honored during worship on May 8th, 2020. Properties: N/A Other committees: N/A Old Business: Updating Membership Records- committee meeting to be held Friday, February 28th Qualified charitable distributions- Richard Council committee members reports- done Council Retreat-Saturday, February 22nd 8:30 -3:00 Emergency Plan- Dave to contact committee to meet Painting altar-Willis to make new finial, Greg to contact Brian Weseman about painting. New Business: Regional Gift Planner-Jeff Parsonage Landline phone- no longer needed Parsonage soffits- 201 Building to check leaks Tables of 8- discussion of trying something new this year, possibly a picnic Lucas Device-The Grove City rescue squad is looking to purchase a Lucas Device which aids in resuscitation during cardiac arrest. They approached the church for a possible donation, as this equipment is quite expensive. A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Willis to use the remainder of our Thrivent grant dollars in the amount of $718.30 for this donation. Motion carried. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:37 pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is March 12th, 2020 March Council assistant: Confirmation Youth **Minutes approved on March 12th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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