PRESENT: Richard Larson, Willis Chase, Kyle Larsen, Joe Jans, Jeff Niedenthal
CALL TO ORDER: President Richard Larson called meeting to order at 6:30pm DEVOTION: Richard Larson told a personal story. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Jeff Nidenthal & seconded by Joe Jans to approve agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Jeff Nidenthal & seconded by Joe Jans to approve October Minutes. Motion Carried. TREASURY: Sonya came to the meeting to help explain any questions the council might have. Revenues coming in have been less than our expenses going out for the past 4 months. Pledge cards were sent to the Congregation but only 23 were returned. Try to encourage electronic giving to boost revenues during the summer months when giving seems to decline. Reinstate putting information about revenues and expenses in the bulletin and on the TV screen in the commons area so the congregation can see where we at with our finances. The dedicated pine tree and the Trinity Sign that were destroyed during the accident have been replaced and paid for in full. Motion made by Richard Larson & second by Kyle Larsen. Motion carried. PASTOR: Conformation Sunday went well; the students did a great job with their faith statements. We have 10 conformation students and Pastor Megan wants to reinstate the mentor program. Faithful Innovations training is ongoing. The three main topics are Listening, Action and Sharing. More information will be coming, and work will begin on getting more people involved. Motion made by Willis Chase & second by Joe Jans to approve Pastors report. Carried. Committee Reports Christian Education and Youth: 1-The Nelson Farm was a huge success. 2-Youth Coordinator: Will be kept in the budget for 2023 and continue to check with Green Lake Bible Camp for help, a suggestion was made to check with the Koronis Lake Methodist Youth Program as a possible resource. Table till the December meeting. 3- Sunday School going well. Organizations and Activities: 1-Advent soup and sandwich starts November 30th The council will host the first one. Soup- Willis, Jake, Richard, Jeff, Dan Sandwiches- Joe and Kyle Free will offering will go to the Holiday Project and the Santa Day Christmas. Motion by Kyle and second by Jeff. Carried. 2-The coffee money for July thru October will be donated to the Grove City Heritage organization. The coffee money for November and December will go to the backpack program. Motion by Kyle and second by Jeff. 3- Giving tree- No information yet. Contact Barb Larson. 4- Movie night is set for November 18th Contacts: Chris and Jake. Will try to get the youth to help. 5- License has been purchased for one year to allow us to legally show movies for Copyright issues. Motion made by Joe and second by Kyle. Carried. Finance and Stewardship 1- Salt Project: No report. 2- Will work on getting more of the Congregation to do the Electronic giving. Mission & Outreach Ministry 1- Mission Auction: Free will donation for lunch $444.00 Auction: $3503.00 Seed money: $250.00 Synod Mission Support: Deposit 3,659.00 Receipts for the food came to about $130.00 to $140.00 which came out of Thrivent Choice Dollars. Movie Night 1- Invitations were given to the Sunday School kids to hand out at School. 2- Chris will bring a projector and is still deciding what movie will be shown. Looking for help with snacks, popcorn and set up. Personnel: 1- Annual Reviews: Will be doing annual reviews with Trinity Personnel. 2- Janitorial asked about a small handheld vacuum cleaner: Joe will pick one up and give the receipt to Jeff. Worship, Music and Arts: 1- With Christmas at Trinity coming fast a concern was brought up about bringing in the food with the door not being locked. Kyle is looking into getting it fixed, if he can’t we will need to use the chain and paddle lock and a designated place outside for the key will be decided on. 2- Talked about utilizing the sign by the road to advertise Christmas at Trinity. 3- Musician Pay: Need to decide how much to increase for the 2023 budget. Currently it is $50.00 per Sunday, we talked about increasing it to $75.00 to $100.00 it is getting harder to find fill-ins because expenses have increased so much. Properties: 1- Sanctuary roof and chimney: Waiting for bids. 2- Church steeple and roof: Waiting for bids. 3- Parsonage siding and saw-fits: Should be taken care of in the future. 4- Kyle will bring information concerning the steeple to present to the congregation. Motion was set for December 4th by Jeff and second by Richard. Endowment committee: 1- Richard presented an endowment summary sheet for the Building Account, General Account, Mission Account, and the Worship Account. OLD BUSINESS 1- Santa Day: Is set for December 10th. 2- Windmill Park Christmas starts on December 20th and will last for one week. Jeff and Dan are working on it. NEW BUSINESS 1- Constitution: Working on putting together a task force. 2- Budget: Need to prepare an updated budget for the Annual Meeting. The date for the meeting is set for January 29th with a reserve date of February 5th. Committee reports are due early in January. 3- Parsonage: Shingles and chimney. Motion was made by Jeff to spend $2,400.00 for the repairs. Second by Kyle. 4- Worship Committee: Talk to Becky to see where she orders her office supplies and find out if there are cheaper options we should consider. Executive Session Adjournment & Lords Prayer: Next Meeting: Tuesday December 13th, at 6:30 December Council Assistant: Chris Slinden Willis Chase, fill in Secretary **Minutes approved on December 20, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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