Present: Melissa Bergstrom, Joe Jans, Sonia Liedman, Willis Chase, Jake Boonstra, Kyle Larsen, Chris Slinden, Megan Preston
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa Bergstrom called meeting to order at 6:50pm DEVOTION: Group has decided to do away with Devotions and replace it with every member recalling where they have “Seen God” in the past week. FAITHFUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared “Where They Have Seen God” APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Joe Jans, seconded by Kyle Larsen to approve agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS SECRETARY: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Jake Boonstra to approve February 7th, 2023, minutes. Motion carried. TREASURY: Motion made by Willis Chase, seconded by Chris Slinden to approve Treasury Report. Motion carried. PASTOR: Lent services continuing to go well. Confirmation students are working on Lent projects and meeting with sponsors. Worship has been planned for Holy Week. Pastor attended Green Lake & Crow River Conference’s annual meetings. Prepping for 3yr olds and 3rd graders receiving bibles. Church has had a Burial and funeral. Prepping for 2nd grader’s First Communion. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian Education and Youth: Dan Cannon was absent. i. Youth Coordinator: No Report ii. Middle & High School Activities: No Report iii. Mission Trip: Checking with Green Lake Bible Camp. iv. VBS: Organize a meeting. Organizations and Activities: i. Coffee and Fellowship: Congregation is using QR code to sign up. ii. Lent Soup & Supper: All dates have been filled with volunteers. Finance and Stewardship: i. Stewardship is tabled to a later date. ii. Finances: Will discuss $1000 from Family Fare Proceeds. Mission & Outreach Ministry: i. Project Hope Backpack Program: Received a generous donation from WELCA, and also received $250 from Thrivent Action Card. ii. March: Food Shelf Month: Donations continue to come in. Trinity is providing protein items. iii. Evaluation of Movie Night: A good winter event, looking for ideas for summer activities. Personnel: i. Annual Reviews: Setting up meetings with Megan, Organist, and Janitors. Worship, Music, and Arts: Roping off the back pews has had good feedback. Palm Branches for Palm Sunday have feedback. Will honor Graduates on 5/21. Discuss pros and cons of outdoor services. “Java for Jesus” will be last Sundays in Jun, July, & Aug. Committee will not Meet in April, next meeting will be May 2nd. Properties: i. Parking Lot Light: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Joe Jans to replace parking lot light and outlet on pole, not exceeding $1600 from Building Fund. Motion carried. ii. Exterior Building Lights: Applies to the motion for parking lot lights. iii. Re-roof and steeple building permit: Motion made by Chris Slinden, seconded by Kyle Larsen to purchase building permit for $66 from Building Fund. Motion carried. iv. Steeple work start date: After April 9th, expected to be completed in a month. v. Sanctuary Roof: After April 9th, expected to be completed in a month. Re-opening insurance claim for flat roof leak. vi. Parsonage chimney, siding, & soffits: Still a work in progress. Endowment Committee: No report. OLD BUSINESS Estate Planning Workshop: Tabled. Constitutional Updates: Ongoing. Streaming Worship: No progress NEW BUSINESS First Lutheran Cemetery: Gordan gave an overview of cemetery lot lines and property lines. Mission & Vision Statements: Move to Old Business. Popcorn Machine: Council was asked to rent out popcorn machine for “Little Red School House” fundraiser. Will investigate rental prices and discuss next month. Live Music for Ice Cream Social: Status is unknown. Looking for ideas on what to do in the future with the “Ice Cream Social”. Puzzle Night: Discussed hosting a community puzzle night. Council Installation Date: April 9th during Easter Service. Executive Session: Adjournment & Lord’s Prayer: Motion made by Kyle Larsen, seconded by Willis Chase to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. Next Meeting: Thursday April 13th, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. November Council Assistant: Joe Jans Chris Slinden, Secretary **Minutes approved on April 13, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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