Trinity Lutheran Church - Regular Church Council Meeting - November 14th, 2019 Present: Greg Jans, Jeff Niedenthal, Gabby Swisher, Sonia Liedman, Janelle Johnson, Richard Larson, Pastor Megan Preston, Dave Martin Greg called the meeting to order at 7:04pm Devotions: Sonia Liedman A motion to approve the agenda, with one item added to outreach, was given by Sonia and seconded by Janelle. Motion carried 1:1 Challenge 2019 Goals 1: Researching Local Hunger Needs- Complete 2: Stream Worship Services- Need a more capable camera 3: Youth and Family Ministry Position- search continues Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the October 10th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Richard and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: After reviewing the report, a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Dave. Motion carried. Richard suggested we present a slide with tax info on charitable giving to the congregation. It was also suggested we send a thank-you to Family Fare for the $1000.00 donation given for the receipt program. The council agreed and Jeff offered to send the thank you. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan said October was a great month. We had two Baptisms, Confirmation, All Saints Sunday, and bibles were given to our third graders. We also had a potluck to welcome our new members as well as those attending our church regularly. She is busy preparing the month of November for Thanksgiving and the start of Advent. Pastor will be using continuing education time to familiarize herself with the ICON information system, which will used to update our membership rolls and for other purposes. It was suggested by Dave, that we should send video copies of the All Saints Service to family members who could not attend the service where their loved ones were honored and remembered. It was agreed that was a good idea. Breakfast Club is back on and Jeff said 3-5 were attending. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Sunday school is running smoothly with over 20 youth attending regularly and plans are underway for the Sunday School Christmas program. Organizations and Activities: Advent soup and suppers are planned as well as Thanksgiving eve pie during service. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission and Outreach Ministry: Mission Auction will be January 26th after the annual meeting. There’s up to $500.00 to use from Thrivent Choice for people with immediate need. A motion was made by Richard and seconded by Dave for use of these funds if needed. Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, Arts: Planned through the end of the year Properties: Drywall is complete at the parsonage. Follow-up is on going on a possible leak in the church roof. Old Business: Clean out storage rooms-completed! Updating membership records-on going Long term maintenance of stained glass windows-no estimate yet Annual meeting date- January 26th, backup February 2nd Cosmos learning center- donations almost complete New Business: Meeker County Holiday Project-items will be on the tree in church entry. Church Council meeting for December will be moved to the 19th. Executive Session: Adjournment: Greg adjourned the meeting at 7:59pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Motion to adjourn Richard seconded by Dave. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is December 19th, 2019 December Council Assistant: Janelle Johnson **Minutes Approved December 19, 2019 Regular Council meeting** JJ:rjfl
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