Present via zoom: Pastor Megan Preston, Sonia Liedman, Richard Larson, Greg Jans, Willis Chase, Janelle Johnson, Jeff Niedenthal.
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Devotions: Pastor Megan, Question? Where have you seen or felt or experienced God in these last two months? Add to agenda, tentative plans to worship again, what we need to do. Motion for approval of agenda, as amended, by Richard, seconded by Willis, motion carried. Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the April 16th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Sonia. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: PPP loan was applied for at Grove City Bank with the help of Doug Adams. Trinity was approved for a $22,000.00 loan that will cover 2 months of expenses. If 75% is used for payroll and 25% for utilities the loan turns into a grant and any unused monies will be returned. Our reporting will consist of providing W-2’s for the first months and providing payroll records. A move to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Willis and seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Online worship on Facebook and with Litchfield area churches on KLFD through the end of May for sure. Calling people, sending cards and zoom calls with colleagues to stay in touch and provide support and ideas are ongoing. The Holden Village trip this summer has been postponed. After conversation with Jenna and Ashley, there will be no VBS this year. At this time, Green Lake will not be having summer camp the month of June. A July start is a possibility. Communion Liturgy will be used starting May 17th. Home communion liturgy has been sent to members homes. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: N/A Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission and Outreach: World Hunger Appeal, Mission Barbecue still a possibility in August. Personnel: N/A Worship and Music: N/A Properties: Elevator inspection Others: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- Becky is watching videos and training on the ICON system. Qualified Charitable Distributions- Richard will work with Pastor Megan to print and edit a flyer to be sent to members. A motion was made by Willis and seconded by Sonia to approve this. Motion carried. Emergency Plan- on hold for now Painting Altar- Brian Weseman will paint this summer. New Business: Gifts of Grace- Southwest MN Synod fund grants, matched by Lilly Foundation, to help with retirement savings initiatives through the Synod and education debt for pastors. Synod webinars for guidance to church presidents and other committee members are available. Worship Plan - Thoughts on how to create worship gatherings while maintaining social distancing. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting: June 11th, 2020 June Council Assistant: Gabby Swisher Special Church Council Meeting- May 27th, 2020, 7:00 pm. Present via zoom: Pastor Megan Preston, Richard Larson, Janelle Johnson, Gabby Swisher, Willis Chase, Greg Jans, Sonia Liedman, Jeff Niedenthal. Information update mailing to be sent. Pastor Megan leads in prayer. List of individual priorities in terms of worship.
After discussion it was decided that Trinity would have a drive-up service in the church parking lot on June 7th at 10:00am with Holy communion. Additional services to be decided as we go. Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm Janelle Johnson, Secretary **Minutes approved on June 11, 2020 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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