Present: Greg Jans, Willis Chase, Jeff Niedenthal, Sonia Liedman, Janelle Johnson, Dave Martin, Pastor Megan Preston, guest Chris Slinden
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:06pm Devotions: Willis read a piece on listening and looking for Christ in adversity. Agenda modified to include in New Business, nominating committee. Approved as amended by Jeff and seconded by Sonia. Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the November 12th, 2020 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Willis and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: Normal bills for the month. Financially in good shape. Because we were not having coffee time during the last nine months of the year, we would financially be able to earmark some monies to areas that the coffee money would normally go as well as other areas. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Sonia to give $10,000.00 to various groups. Motion carried CARE money-$2000.00 Meeker ministries-$2000.00 Food Shelf-$2000.00 Fire Department-$1000.00 Meeker County Hospital-$1000.00 World Hunger-$1000.00 Area fire victims-$1000.00 Thrivent choice dollars can be used as well. Treasurer’s report approved. Pastor’s: Virtual worship through the end of the year. Christmas Eve service will be in the parking lot and virtual. Pastor Megan will be taking communion around to shut-ins and others. The SW MN Synod will be electing a new Bishop next year. The question remains on how this will be done. Virtual or in person. The security lights need to be checked in the parking lot. Pastor Megan will be on vacation the last week of December. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: 1 December Sunday School Packet will be available for pick-up. Organizations and Activities: Christmas cookies will be added to the bags that will be handed out to people in the parking lot for the service on Christmas Eve. Finance and Stewardship: Receiving the cards back that were sent out to all members on commitments for next year. Personnel: Employee reviews will be done in January Worship, Music and Arts: Communion dates: January 3rd and 17th, February 7th and 21st as well as February 17th(Ash Wednesday). Properties: N/A Other Committees: N/A Old Business: Membership Records- on going Painting the Altar- put in newsletter asking for volunteers Building Use Guidelines- updated Air Exchange- Chappel Central recommends we upgrade filters. There are no air exchangers in the church. New Business: Review COVID-19 Preparedness Plan- updated as needed Annual Meeting-January 24th and back up date of January 31st, in-person 2021 Proposed Budget- reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Willis. Motion carried. Motion made by Jeff and seconded by Willis to give Becky and Mary each $500.00 year-end appreciation bonus. Motion carried. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:39pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date: January 14th, 2021 January Council Assistant: **Minutes approved on January 14, 2021 Regular Council Meeting** rjfl
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