Present: Greg Jans, Brian Weseman, Sonia Liedman, Jeff Niedenthal, Richard Larson, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston
Greg called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm Devotions: Greg Jans-How can we reach people in our community? Move to add, paint the altar, to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was given by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. 1:1 Challenge- Jeff talked with a Muslim about his religion. 2019 Goals-Nothing new to add Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the December 19th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Brian and seconded by Sonia. Motion carried Treasurer’s: After reviewing the reports and discussion about the Building, Endowment, and the need for a long term account for the repair of the stained glass windows, a move to approve was given by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan stated that Christmas went well. There was one funeral for Leroy Johnson. The large wreath in front of the church was taken down and there is a need to address the repair of the altar. The campers fund, again this year, will have a grant available for 75% of the costs, with the family paying the 25% balance. Approximately 7 first communion youth are available to attend a 1st communion kids retreat in February or March. A motion was made by Jeff and seconded by Brian to cover the $85.00 cost per student. Motion carried. Pastor, and her family, will be going to Holden Village in July where she will be continuing her education. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: N/A Organizations and Activities: N/A Finance: Discussed during the treasurer’s report Mission and Outreach: Mission Auction will have a prepared meal, Richard will go on KLFD newsmakers to talk about the event on January 26th after the annual meeting. More Info on charities to come. Backpack program in March Personnel: No progress on finding a Youth ministry leader. The year-end bonuses, given to the employees, were greatly appreciated. Worship, Music, Arts: Worship committee met on January 7th. January communion dates are 1/5 and 1/19. February dates for communion are Sunday’s 2/2 and 2/16 and Ash Wednesday 2/26. Some paraments are in need of replacing. Pastor’s mother-in-law custom makes paraments. She will come meet with the committee to discuss. Altar/communion rail needs painting Properties: Altar will be painted. A switch to a new insurance company was made for the properties. The new deductible is $2500.00 instead of $1000.00, but premiums are less. Window in church has been fixed. Other committees: N/A Old Business: Updating Membership Records- a committee meeting date has been set Long term maintenance of stained glass windows Annual meeting-January 26th Qualified charitable distributions- Richard will find info to distribute that is understandable. Council Committee members Council retreat- date will be February 22nd at Bikes by Bob New Business: Preparing for an active shooter and emergency procedures- Dave Martin will set dates for committee group to meet. Complete by April Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is February 20th, 2020 February Council Assistant: Jeff Niedenthal **Minutes approved at February 20, 2020 Regular Meeting** rjfl
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