Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Meeting-December 19th, 2019
Present: Greg Jans, Sonia Liedman, Jeff Niedenthal, Richard Larson, Brian Weseman, Gabby Swisher, Janelle Johnson, Pastor Megan Preston Greg called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Devotions: Janelle Johnson A motion to approve the agenda was given by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. 1:1 Challenge-Should we consider opening our soup and sandwich suppers up to the public? 2019 Goals 1: Researching Local Hunger Needs-Challenges: Does Grove City have homelessness? Can more services be provided through Meeker Area Ministries? 2:Stream Worship Services 3:Youth and Family Ministry Position-search continues Reports: Secretary’s Minutes from the November 14th, 2019 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Brian and seconded by Jeff. Motion carried. Treasurer’s: After reviewing the report, a motion to approve was made by Jeff and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. Pastor’s: Pastor Megan stated that there was good attendance for Advent services. She felt the banner that was colored by attendees during Advent services turned out well and was hung in the narthex for the holiday season. There was 1 Baptism in December. Pastor continues to train on the ICON information system and also training on the subject of combating Islamophobia. Pastor Megan will be on vacation December 25th through January 2nd. The annual meeting ballot is in the process of being completed. Committee Reports: Christian Education and Youth: Sunday School Christmas program went well. Sunday school will resume on January 12th. It was suggested that we advertise for the Youth and Family Ministry position through the Synod website and also by using social media. There is $500.00 available to use in Sunday School. Organizations and Activities: There were 3 soup and sandwich suppers during Advent. All went well. Sign up sheets are available during coffee time before worship for future coffee serving times. Please sign up as able. Finance: N/A Mission and Outreach: The Holiday Project was a success again this year. All tags were fulfilled. Planning is underway for the Mission Auction which will be after the annual meeting on January 26th. Personnel: N/A Worship, Music, Arts: A nativity scene was donated by Gloria Lundin to the church. There will be a Global service planned after Easter. Properties: The furnace in the church has been fixed and so has the leak in the church roof. New Insurance quotes are being looked at and need to be decided on before the first of the year. There’s an interior window and wall that needs to be fixed and painted inside the Sacristy. There needs to be discussion about the need to address the issue of new shingles for the church. Other committees: Discussion on recent charitable mailings received by the church. Old Business: Updating Membership Records- aggressively tackle after the first of the year. Long term maintenance of stained glass windows-Valley Construction bid amount is $4655.00. Discussion about the Building and Repair fund and the need for a stained glass window repair fundraiser. Annual meeting date- set for January 26th Cosmos learning center donations-completed Qualified charitable giving distributions A motion to approve the 2020 budget was made by Richard and seconded by Brian. Motion carried. New Business: Council committee members Council retreat- February 8th at Green Lake February Council meeting- change to February 20th Motion made by Jeff and seconded by Richard to give church employees a $300.00 year end bonus. Motion carried. Executive Session: Greg adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Janelle Johnson, Secretary Next meeting date is January 9th, 2020 January Council Assistant: Greg Jans **Approved Minutes at Council Meeting, January 9, 2020**
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