Trinity Lutheran Church-Regular Church Council Minutes Tuesday August 13th, 2024, at 6:30 pm9/26/2024 PRESENT: Melissa, Jake, Joe, Willis, Kyle, Sonia, Pam
CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa called meeting to order at 6:50 pm. FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they’ve seen God this past month. Special congregational meeting August 11th, 2024 There was a quorum present called to order by Melissa Bergstrom. Dennis Brown, thanked all the call committee Rosie Dilly, Susie Laabs, Dennis Brown, Jeff Niedenthal, Kari Slinden, Mike Buer Ballots were handed out and then collected for counting and passed. Our new minister will be Donna Putney Jeff made a motion to adjourn Willis seconded it. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Pam second by Sonia to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Update on the congregational profile have to add in take me to motion to approve it and Joe second it. REPORTS: Secretary: Motion made by Pam Seconded by Sonia to approve. Motion carried. Treasurer: Sonia went over the expense report today. Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Joe second by Kyle. Pastor’s report. N/A COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: Willis reported on the summer 2025 mission trip. Youth chose three different locations and GLBC will decide what city it will be. Sunday School will start the first Sunday of October. CONFIRMATION: Organizations and Activities: The Antique Car run was good turnout. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission Outreach Ministry: Mission BBQ Tuesday 5:30 to 7:30 pm proceeds go to Fire and Rescue of Grove City. Personnel: going to try to set up another review with Becky. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: One more co-op service left Optimist Park Field in Litchfield September 1st Blessing of animals October 6th PROPERTIES: there was a motion made to put two new air conditioners in for $15,500 by Kyle second by Pam. Council is going to go over to get some ideas so Kyle can get some Prints to show the congregation. Fall clean up tentatively scheduled for October 27th ENDOWMENT COMM. No Report. OLD BUSINESS: Bonfire has Beer and Hymns, September 22nd 4:30 pm. NEW business: went through Pastor Donna’s compensation package Kyle made a motion Willis second it. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER Motion made by Willis seconded by Pam to adjourn meetings. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 9:45 pm NEXT MEETING: September 10th, 2024 at 6:30 pm September COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Melissa Bergstrom **Minutes Approved on September 10, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl
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