On June 25th the church council conducted a special meeting via email to approve the congregational profile forwarded by the Call Committee. A motion was made by Melissa Bergstrom to approve the congregational profile and seconded by Jake Boonstra. The remaining council members approved the profile via email. (Melissa Bergstrom, Council President)
PRESENT: Melissa, Joe, Chris, Willis, Kyle, Pastor Donna CALL TO ORDER: President Melissa called meeting to order at 6:32 pm FAITHFIUL INNOVATIONS: Members shared where they’ve Seen God this past month APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion made by Willis second by Chris to approve the agenda. Motion carried. REPORTS: adding in from June’s. Special meeting via, congregational profile 100% approval. Secretary: Motion made by Willis, seconded by Kyle to approve June 2024 minutes. Motion carried. Treasury: N/A PASTOR: installation of call members is July 14th Talk to Trinity Visitors group to give communion to shut-ins. Willis and Jeff and pastor Donna are going to have a meeting about confirmation. COMMITTEE REPORTS Christian ED and Youth: going to try to set up a meeting for a mission trip. CONFIRMATION: No Report Sunday School: Organizations and Activities: Antique Car Run Saturday August 10th 8:00 a.m. serving coffee and donuts. Finance and Stewardship: N/A Mission Outreach Ministry: have date for Mission Auction will be Tuesday August 20th. Personal: talked about the accompanists pay. WORSHIP, MUSIC, AND ARTS: working with the Co-Op services PROPERTIES: going to work on the balcony railing upstairs. Looking to move a tree so it does not hurt anybody. Going to start working on the shingling of the church. ENDOWMENT COMM: No Report. OLD BUSINESS: working on communion cards. Melissa has a spreadsheet made is entering them. Live stream is going well might have to upgrade some equipment. NEW BUISINESS: Friday August 16th as part of Grove City Windmill Days - Lions Club will have their fun bingo night at Trinity 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CARE program will be selling popcorn and beverages. Kyle made a motion and Chris seconded it to extend pastor Donna’s internship until there was a new minister to hired. ADJOURNMENT & LORDS PRAYER: Motion made by Kyle seconded by Chris to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was Adjourned 8:15 pm NEXT MEETING: August 13th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. JULY COUNCIL ASSISTANT: Jake Boonstra Submitted by Joe Jans – Council Secretary **Minutes Approved on August 13, 2024 - Regular Council Meeting ** rjfl
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